Multicultural Matrix And Analysis Worksheet

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Multicultural Matrix and Analysis Worksheet

Multicultural Matrix and Analysis Worksheet


North American

There are various countries in North America which the influence the culture and society in variety of ways. There a million of the people living in United States which belong to North American countries. These people bring their cultures, norms, values and beliefs which influence the local citizens of United States. North American tend to be outspoken, they value their independence and have strong religious beliefs. The first European explorers who reached the shores of North America were the Italian John Cabot and Sebastian Cabot (1497). During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, it was driven primarily by three countries, Spain, France and England, but also in Holland (Quesada, 2010). Spanish colonization of the New World originated with the discovery of America by Columbus (Reamers, 2005).


The first Asians which settled in United States were Chinese Filipinos who migrated to Mexico then moved to Louisiana. Since 1840, there are increasing number of Chinese and other people from other Asian countries that migrated to United States for various reasons. American Asians make 55% of the United States population which influence its culture, local people, businesses and other sectors of country. It is a common fact that Asian Americans usually face challenges in developing the cultural identity.


Europe and America has long lasting relationships form the last several decades. American culture, people, social services, economic and social indicators are highly influenced by European Countries. United States and Europe has strong economic, social, cultural and technological alliances which motivates people from the United States and Europe to migrate as most of the norms, beliefs and cultural practices are identical. Furthermore, it can be said that European people and United States citizens believes in managing the cultural diversity which promotes the equal employment opportunities, minimizes racial discrimination etc.


The first African arrived in 1619 in United States. US welcomed people from Africa for the purpose of slavery and working labor. After some time, African were able to penetrate in the American society and their culture. Now days, American governments ensure that African American should be given equal opportunities, cultural freedom etc. African are now the greatest part of American population.

South America

South America is a continent composing twelve countries along with a French colony. It comprise of Brazil, Peru, Argentina etc. South America is situated in the southern hemisphere of the earth. South America has ...