Multi Brand Marketing

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Multi Brand Marketing


I would take this opportunity to thank my research supervisor, family and friends for their support and guidance without which this research would not have been possible.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1: Introduction7



Aims and Objectives14

Research Questions14

Chapter 2: Literature Review16




Creative Publicity19

How Advertisements Publicize Brands19

How Publicity Functions Through Memory22

Publicity Not Persuasion25

Maintenance and Establishment of a Brand29

Ensuring consistency between the Brand Licensing Strategy and Overall Business Goals30

Selection of Profitable and Innovative License Partners30

Effective Means for Enforcing Key Provisions32

Maintaining policy of Pro-Activeness on Products & Services32

Allocating Ownership & Control of IP Assets Equitably33

Traditional Approaches to Valuing Brands36

Integrated Marketing-Finance Valuation Approaches39

Case-By-Case Treatment40

Contractual Specifications40


Brand Extensions46


Monetary Value47

Perceived Quality48

Branding as a Strategic Business Tool49

Chapter 3: Research Methodology55

Research Design55

Literature Search55

Case Study Method56

Brand Protection Case Study Research Methodology58

Case study of Burger King58

Case Study Questions59

Diageo Case Study62

Core Activity: Creating an Asset Library63

Challenges Faced64

Anatomy of the Smart Brand Portal65

Partnership: The Key Success Factor66

Return on Investment66

The technology selected to create SmartLibrary67


Case Study of Bacardi Martini69



Although the consumer brand relationship idea is widely discussed? some argue that certain brands are more suitable for relationships than other brands like Burger king? Diageo and Bacardi Martini. The present study shows that brands indeed differ in terms of perceived relationship quality. Especially brands with a unique and exciting personality qualify more likely for the role of partner. Moreover? the results suggest that it is worth the effort to invest in such relationships because better relationships reduce the fear of inadequate privacy protection.

Chapter 1: Introduction


'An international survey of senior executives (conducted jointly by Marsh and Templeton College? Oxford in 2000) found that 85 percent of companies consider brands to be their most important asset. From these results? you would think that effective brand risk management would move up the list of senior management 'concerns.' (David Abrahams? 2002 1)  However? the reality is very different. Today? there is a lot of information on the importance of developing a strong brand. This is not only preached by designers and brand managers? but also at board room level? with the value of intangible assets being included on the balance sheet. Although? there is a greater understanding of the value of branding? both as a communication and cultural tool? companies seem to be very reluctant to develop an understanding of the risks their brand may face. If the brand is seen as the most important asset of a company? surely the need to protect your prized asset is essential.

The idea that consumers and brands can relate to each other is referred to as 'brand relationship' or 'consumer- brand relationship' (Berry and Bendapudi? 2003). The consumer- brand relationship concept is an important research topic? because of advantages such as: reduced marketing costs? ease of access? acquiring new customers? customer retention? brand equity and more profit (Berry? 2004). For a long time? advertisers invested more money in acquiring new customers than in reinforcing relationships with existing consumers. This philosophy? however? has changed completely. Strengthening relationships with consumers is now the focus of marketing activities.

The brand relationship metaphor originates in person-to-person relationships as studied in personality research ...
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