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Describe Mulatto as a realistic play. Why is it important that the play contain many details about the plantation and customs of the country?

Langston Hughes is black, an artist of considerable stature and from a respectable originality, more generously placed the stages in the play to gain attraction and attention of the viewers and realize the importance of his marvelous work. No matter how strong and incisive work he does, it cannot escape the contingency of a polemical intent, and discovered an abandoned theatre eloquently discovery (Roberts, pp.121-167).

The social fear into the mulatto as stated in the play "Mulatto" (1931) by Langston Hughes. "Mulatto" dramatizes the need to Robert Norwood, a young man of mixed race, to be socially embedded. Robert is doubly excluded: the "status quo" white and the black community, exclusion arises from the insistence of Robert White to claim their heritage. Extensive use is made here of the terms "preliminary" and "liminality" (from the work of anthropologist Victor Turner) to refer to the status of Robert, his efforts to rebuild this status and representation in the work space. It is argued that the rejection by the white characters and therefore, the Robert White society to access their power structures reveals a complex anxiety or fear towards the boundary or luminal creature is the mulatto, born of transgression (and, in the case of Robert, offending him too). It is further argued that the work is less about women's autonomy and the dangers associated with the exercise of power by being nonwhite (Roberts, pp.121-167).

Mulatto is the issue of African-American, the general sense of the Negro problem. Mulatto black just because his body was individually singled out for blood, suffered a different fate with the other half-breed. Mulatto's unique historical experience and the problems posed by both the United States posing as white Caucasian descent from that pure irony, but also reveal the establishment of the system of racial discrimination on the basis of skin fragility and absurdity.

Mixed race in the United States, the mulatto because of the integration of the world's two very different ethnic origin and make a difference. American slavery and the plantation economy on the demand for the sale of large numbers of workers into a big black thing profitable, leading to rapid growth in the number of African Americans, making it the second largest after the white race. In the decade described by Langston Hughes, the tension intensifies the problem and criticism raised by the plantation owners. With free trade and the rise of the sugar crop, Cuba became, from the late eighteenth century, a prosperous colony attracting emigration and trafficking vessels. In the first decades of the nineteenth century, thousands of black slaves and mulattos toil on the plantations. Ethnic segregation is this play is marked in three areas: the different codes for romantic relationships, the impossibility of social liability, and the harsh living conditions of blacks and mulattoes.

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