Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (Mmpi)-Ii research Paper by

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Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)-II

Research Paper





MMPI-II Test Description4

Purpose and Application of MMPI-II5

Validity and Interpretation6

Three Current Research Studies7

Uses and Abuses of MMPI-II8

Use of MMPI-II with Culturally Diverse Population9

Personal Evaluation9



Appendix 1: Reviewed Articles13


The major purpose of the paper is to strive to understand the application, uses and interpretation of the MMPI-II test on military population, as presented in the article referenced in Appendix 1. For this purpose, the paper reviews the description, uses and application of the test. Moreover, the paper also reviews the validity and reliability of the test. Lastly, the paper also provides personal evaluations of the MMPI-II. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)-II


The research paper is based on Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)-II test, which is the most widely researched and mostly commonly used testing instrument in adult psychopathology. The paper offers a comprehensive description and purpose of the test, as well as, the uses and interpretations of the test. The paper also aims to discuss the validity and reliability of the MMPI-II test including discussion on groups and population with whom, the test cannot be used. Lastly, the paper reflects upon the researcher's personal evaluation of the test and its uses.


MMPI-II Test Description

MMPI-II is the second edition of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), which is one of the most commonly used behavior test administered in the arena of behavioral health and sciences (Woods, Freedman, & Greenspan, 2012). The MMPI test was first designed in 1939 and then distributed in 1942 by the University of Minnesota Hospitals. The primary purpose of the test was to facilitate identification of social, behavioral and personal issues in the patients with psychiatric needs. The initial diagnoses for the psychiatric patients usually included disorders such as, schizophrenia, depression or hypochondriasis. However, the recent application of this test focused upon providing potentially applicable information to facilitate identification of problems in personality features, treatment planning and severity of signs, as well as, in diagnoses (Gale & Hill, 2012). The uses of this test occur mainly in the clinical context for inpatient and outpatient services, and have also extended in the areas of forensics such as in cases of defense, prosecution etc. Thus, the next section highlights the purpose and applications of this test in detail.

Purpose and Application of MMPI-II

The area of behavioral health also observed the application of MMPI-II to even more contentious non-clinical fields. These fields include, but are not limited to, personality matching and job screening. The application for this test in job screening is a controversial topic, not only because of the similar unintentional application but because of the privacy problems. The test includes various questions related to topics that may appear sensitive or private to some people such as, bladder control information, sex, bizarre beliefs and religion etc. Murphy (1993) suggested that this information, if used inappropriately, may lead towards a breach of privacy that prolongs further than job screening.

Furthermore, Graham (1993) particularly explained the expectations for the test users. The author suggested that although the test score items can be ...