Mena Scholarship Essay

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MENA Scholarship Essay

MENA Scholarship Essay

Contemporary society organizations are undergoing major changes in all areas. The impact of this restructuring is materialized by means of streamlining the organizational processes and techniques to incorporate business environment, such as new technologies and new business models. It is this process that can perceive the emphasis on people as a resource determining organizational success, since competitiveness causes companies seeking qualified professionals to perform the tasks.

As far as the region of Middle East and North Africa is concerned, there is a lack of advanced studies and skilled people who can benefit their nations in terms of economic activity, technological development, leadership (both in politics and business), and educational development. There is severe need of financial, management, leadership, and entrepreneurial skills in the region. Therefore as an asset of the nation, my leadership skills will benefit the region through giving a vision and motivation to succeed to the people and by transforming a vision for growth for the future.

Every individual has their own strengths and weakness. However, some for some people, it is very easy to develop new skills because they are quick learners. I am also a quick learner and was determined to hone my skills when I have realized that I am really efficient at managing human resource. In my summer vacations, I volunteered to do odd jobs in order to gain firsthand professional experience while also saving money to finance my studies. At work, I was promoted to the position of a supervisor mainly because I was able to manage the human resource very efficiently. As a result, I decided to hone my skills as a leader of human resource. I believe that having a clear deep understanding of the work environment is essential in order to ensure the proper management of human resource. Over time, I have learned about the various factors that affect the performance of the workforce. Identifying these factors has helped me tremendously in efficiently managing the workforce since I know exactly what is needed in order to motivate them to work at their optimum capacity. I believe that knowing how to manage human resource efficiently is a very important skill that can make all the difference between success and failure of a business. This is because the human resource is arguably the most important and integral asset of an organization and forms one of the sore components that drives the business towards success. If the human resource of an organization or the labor force of an economy is not managed efficiently, businesses will fail to function efficiently and this will affect not only their profitability but their survivability as well. On the other hand, if the labor force of an economy is not managed efficiently, the economic ramifications will be dire since the labor force forms the backbone of the economy. Hence, I believe that I can make significant contributions to the economy by applying my people management skills towards the progress of businesses as well as the ...