Media Violence

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Media Violence

Beresin, E. V. The Impact of Media Violence on Children and Adolescents: Opportunities for Clinical Interventions. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Vol. 27. (2012). Pp.96.

Media violence has direct negative effects on children and adolescents.

Those children who see violence on media, especially on the television or while playing violent video games, are more prone to developing aggressive behavior.

The media exposes the children to too much violence.

This violence is presented on the television as well as included in the video games played by children.

Therefore, the parents need to be especially wary of this harmful content that makes their children aggressive and apathetic to the violence.

It has been found that the American children watch 28 hours of television a week. In this episode, they see 812 violent acts per hour, whereas specific children's programmes, including the cartoons, show about 20 violent acts per hour.

In addition, the television is present in 99% of US homes, even more than the penetration of the telephone.

Additionally, most children have a television in their own rooms which makes them even more susceptible to watching violence on the television.

The violence on television is very bad and evil for the children of all ages.

Not only does it motivate the children to engage in verbal abuse and bullying with other children, but it also makes them more aggressive

Common Sense Media, Impact of Media Violence Tips. Common Sense Media, Vol.1. (2012). Pp. 123.

Children who have been exposed to violence in the media, including that on the television or in the video games, become apathetic to violence and the people involved in the violence.

These violent persons include both those who are the perpetrators and doers of violence as well as those who are the victims of the violence done by these people.

Moreover, these children might also become so acclimated and habituated to this violence that they might not understand the world without violence.

Especially the younger children who are not adolescents cannot differentiate the world from the fantasy and may find it as real and part of the life.

In this way, this violence invariably leads to aggression and other unwanted behavior in children the way the cancer leads to death.

It is very easy to undo the harmful effects of media violence on children.

The parents need to ensure that their children do not watch the television excessively.

Then, they also need to ensure that they sit for at least 2 hours with their children watching the television.

This way they will be able to tell their children about the fiction nature of the televised violence.

Additionally, the children will recognize that the violence that they saw on the television was not real.

Eron, L.D., Walder, L.O. & Lefkowitz, M.M. The Learning of Aggression in Children. Boston, MA: Little Brown Publications. (2008). Pp.55.

Violence is not a new thing for human beings as it has been part of human life in various ways.

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