Media Autobiography

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Media Autobiography

Media Autobiography


In the current technological age, it is necessary to learn the skills about which earlier generations have never imagined. The way of learning, teaching and literacy are changing with the evolution in this technological era. The nature of work and industries are reshaping due to the fundamental changes in jobs, businesses and economy. In this technological era, students, writers, readers, teachers and employees are visibly engaged in learning different and new skills in this diverse, rapidly changing and technology-driven global economy (National Council of Teachers of English, 2009). Similarly, in the society and media, demands of literacy are changing their shapes due to the evolution in the digital technology. For accomplishing tasks efficiently, technology-driven techniques are in use. For instance, for enhancing learning skills, students are getting help from internet and teachers are using internet or digital media for enhancing their teaching skills as well as for making the understanding easy and comprehensible. However, with several advantages of technology on literacy there is a disadvantage that it has increased the complexity and intensity of literacy environment (National Council of Teachers of English, 2009). Moreover, the era of 21st century is demanding that a literate person owns a variety of competencies and abilities. In addition, writers and readers of 21st century must be capable of developing expertise with the technological tools. Moreover, writers and readers in this technological age are supposed to critique, evaluate, create and analyze multimedia texts. This paper includes an autobiographical piece about a meaningful firsthand experience with the use of digital technology “Photoshop”. Additionally, this paper will elaborate the personal experience regarding the use of Photoshop as an informative and helpful tool in this technological age (National Council of Teachers of English, 2009).


I am sharing my personal experience of using a digital image editing tool ...
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