Managing Product

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Managing product and Technical Innovation

Managing Product


The modern world we see today is because of the creative and critical thinking of mankind. Ideas have no limits; a person cannot measure the particular range in which the idea falls. The question that arises in everyone's mind is that are people born with a creative mindset, or we can practice and learn creativity? This topic is still debatable. But creative thinking has made this world so interesting and delightful that was never experienced previously. The taste that we experience in today's food world is simply amazing. Different techniques and ingredients were made in order to improvise the product taste. Problem Identification

Talking about the food industry, we have a variety of taste to experience. Same is the case with beverages, but there are still some areas that can be explored, and an innovation can be bringing in. There are many drinking products in the market that we use on a regular basis. The one most popular known as Coca Cola. Coke is the product that everyone likes to have. Even a small kid knows about coke. The drink is famous because of its unique taste. The area where coke lacks is healthiness. This famous drink was being criticized that it is not good for health, and it cause damage to internal body. So the challenge for Coca Cola is to introduce a healthy addition to its product line. This will not only provide its users with the same Coke trademark taste but will also be healthy for its users.

Idea Generation

The idea is to increase a product line and introduce a healthy coca cola drink, which basically would be a drink, which will consist of vitamins that will not only provide energy to the body but will also be healthy for the body. ...
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