Management Science & Systems

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Management Science and Systems

Executive Summary1



Challenges for the Senior Managers3


Information and Technology4

Reformation and Success6

Time Management in the Production Process7

ISSs and DSSs8

Change in the Production Equipment9

Frederick Taylor's Theory of Scientific Management10

Conclusion and Recommendations12


Implications of Management Science and Systems at CHEMS Ltd.

Executive Summary

This paper aims to explore the implications of management science and system in the context of CHEMS Ltd. They are the producers of chemicals and take projects form individuals. There are three distinct management levels which are currently in action. However, they are lapses in the prevalence of communication and utilization of existing information system. The real decision makers are the Chief Accountants who have the authority to approve of any proposed changes in the quality and input mix process. The whole venture is complex and sensitive since they deal in grave chemicals. The collection and interpretation of the needed and right information is the major task. The informed decisions have to be made in order to make profits and save resources. The rightful usage of information system leads to decision support system which can facilitate the working of the employees. Unfortunately, the Senior Managers are not willing to use the information system and consider it as another burden to their corporate obligations. User-interface is the term that has to be given enough support and encouragement so that it can help in applying the suggested solutions. This paper supports the idea of implementing the technology that will automatically enhance the communication among the various sub units at CHEMS Ltd.


CHEMS Ltd. is a private firm that deals in the production of chemicals. They are expert group of people who entertain individual customer order. The company assumes each order as an individual project. Their management has three discrete levels which are connected to each other. They have Production Managers, Senior Managers and Chief Accountants. Production Managers deals in making the products yet they do not have control over the input mix or adding in the quality of the input. Each product is a mixture of numerous chemicals. Senior Managers have to present reports evaluating the progress of their present projects. Their role is quite significant since on the basis of their reports Chief Managers have to take decisions about adjusting the quality mix and inputs. Chief Accountants approve of the changes so they are the ones who directly make decisions (Evans, 2003, pp. 58-66).

However, a decision has to be informed decision. If they will have the required information and facts only then the Chief Accountants are able to make informed decisions. There are some issues prevailing in the company. Like the communication among the managers does not seem to be in the right shape. Today every successful organization is incorporating Information Technology in order to take maximum advantage and make smart profits. In this very case, the managers are considering IT as mere hindrances to their functionality. Senior Managers are manually filling in the information in their summary reports. This does not feel contemporary and professional ...
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