Literature Search And Generating Hypothesis

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Literature Search and Generating Hypothesis

Literature Search and Generating Hypothesis


This paper intends to discuss the significance of systematic research. Research today remains an important aspect of the field of academics. The significance of research cannot be denied by anyone. Research tends to provide an in depth analysis of the problem or the issue selected to research on. Further, the researchers also tend to innovate and develop various new concepts and products through the ongoing researches. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of systematic research and systematic review. Moreover, the paper will also make the reader aware about the importance of critical reviews of literature and the advantages of systematic search. In the second part of this paper, a public health issue will be selected and critical review and systematic search in relation with that topic will be conducted. The paper intends to develop a research hypothesis and research question at the end of this entire systematic research and critical review of the social epidemiology related issue. The paper will make the reader aware about the importance of systematic research, review and critical review by selecting a social issue and ending up with the development of research hypothesis.

Part One

Systematic Research

Searching remains one of the most important aspect of conducting researches these days. The already established facts and the underlying researches already conducted in relation with the topic in focus helps the researchers to develop their research aims and objectives. The systematic search tends to provide an intense review of the literature relevant to the research issue. Systematic search basically intends to develop an underlying summary of the existing literature in order to make the researchers able to deepen the horizons of their searching parameters.

Systematic Review

A systematic review is basically a literature review. The focus of literature review is over the research questions which try to identify, appraise and select the high quality research evidences. The research evidences are selected on the basis of their relevance to the research questions. Systematic reviews are highly important for the purpose of providing random and controlled trials of the evidence based practice. Systematic reviews are essentially important in the field of medicine as the evidence based practice is increasingly becoming important within the profession of medicine for the purpose of providing quality health care.

Critical Review of Literatures

The critical review of literature is essentially important part of researches and the systematic reviews. The literature review reflects the importance of already conducted researches and the underlying important information related to the research question. The critical review of literature is assumed to be conducted even before planning or data collection in order to make sure that the researchers already have sufficient knowledge related to the topic. The critical review of literature helps the researches in a manner which are important to provide a full and complete understanding of the research topic. Moreover, the critical review of literature also helps to avoid any mistakes which the previous researchers have ...
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