Literature Essay

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Literature Essay

Literature Essay


Kate Chopin is identified as one of the most important feminist literary figures of the 19th century. Many of her works covered important issues that existed in the American society at the time. One of the most frequently recurring themes in her works was related to the treatment of women in society. This theme was reflected in many of her works like The Awakening, Desiree's Baby, The Story of an Hour, A Pair of Silk Stockings as the main protagonists on these stories were mainly women who were portrayed as subjugated souls seeking spiritual emancipation from the shackles of a patriarchal society (Walker, 2001). Through her work, Kate Chopin was not only able to asset her opinion, views and beliefs but also challenge the concept of feminine autonomy and individuality as the nineteenth century drew to a close (Worton, 2008). However, rather than simply showing an eagerness to highlight and improve social conditions of women during the time, Kate also looked for an understanding other important themes such as personal freedom and questioning the traditional role of women in a patriarchal society (Tritt, 2006). This paper aims to identify feminism as a frequently recurring theme in the literary works of Kate Chopin.

Biographical Information

Born on the 8th of February, 1850, in St. Louis, Kate Chopin was the daughter of Thomas and Eliza O'Flaherty. Throughout her life, Kate had to face a lot of challenges and hardships as she lost most of the people whom she loved and was close to (Toth, 2008). By the age of 25, she had lost all four of her siblings and this put her through tremendous mental strain. Her father, who was a rich and well-established person, died in a railroad accident and Kate was consequently raised by her mother (Toth, 1991). Apart from this, Kate got most of her education from her grandmother and great grandmother who were both widows. Since she was brought up by strong and independent women, Kate was set to follow in the footsteps of her mentors when she grew up (Thrailkill, 2008).

However, misfortune struck Kate once again as Mrs. Charlesville died when she was only 11 years of age. After graduating from The Sacred Heart Academy at the age of 19, Kate married an established businessman named Oscar Chopin and they both moved to New Orleans soon afterwards. Kate enjoyed very successful marital relations with Oscar and they had six children. Kate lived an independent life as Mrs. Chopin and was allowed to do as she pleased without any interference. However, the business suffered a series of setbacks and Oscar could not survive the mental strain (Taylor, 1989). He died soon afterward, leaving Kate a widow with six children. Kate ran the business and paid off all debts before selling it off and moving back with her mother (Zaugg, 2008).

Following her mother's death, Kate took to writing in order to provide for her family. This was the beginning of Kate's career as a ...
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