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Essay on: Video Games have had Negative Effects on Society

Essay on: Video Games have had Negative Effects on Society


It has been observed that parents generally ask about the impacts of violent video games on teenagers and children. In many of the cases, they notice that the huge exposure of violence in video games must leave some adverse impacts on their children. But on the other hand, the jury is still out regarding the impacts of violent video games as there are no such convincing grounds that could consider video games as a harmful agent. This conflict certainly confuses parents and their children that usually provoke them to ask that is there any scientific proof that really say about this? This paper will highlight the adverse effects of video games with number of proofs and controversies, which would certainly awake the nerves of people about this issue. Pro-social and helpful video game content comprise on potential impacts and enhance the lives of adolescents and children, but exposure to violent video game content and anti-social games raises the possibility of negative outcomes, with high exposure of risk.


The video games are existed from nearly fifty years. As per the current poll by the Kaiser Foundation, it has been noted that children aged 8-18 normally give 8 hours to video games in per week, which is more than 400% from 1999 (Rideout, Foehr & Roberts, 2010). Game playing is heavily found in the age of 11-14 groups, and boys are more inclined to these games instead of girls. Current researches suggest that around 99% of boys play video games and 94% girls (Lenhart et al, 2008). It is very normal for children to play video games around twenty hours per week. Undoubtedly, the kinds of games does vary but the analysis of their content by Dill defines that the tip most selling kind of video games are violent ones (2005). Many controversies over video games focus on the argument that it negatively impact over the behavior or attitude of player. It has been observed since 1980s that video games have turned its face to the political discourse and detractors promote several theories that this medium of enjoyment is harmful for society. Many of the players and game have been researched by government agencies and psychologists with the goal of reflecting the subject of harm. These researches possibly target the connection to aggression, social development, addiction, violence, many sexual morality and stereotyping issues. Most of the researches are turned into meta-analyses, the analysis of these researches are conflicting. Few analysts have found under the realm of aggression that experience of violent video games associates with a temporary increase in aggression and a reduction in pro-social behavior. However, others similar analytical methods have reasoned that violence video games are not associated to engage in destructive behavior. On the other hand, potential positive impacts of video games are also proposed by many analysts and they suggest that violent video games can encourage pro-social behavior in positive ...
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