Learning Needs Analysis

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Undertaking a Learning Needs Analysis

Executive Summary

This report is designed to provide basic information about how learning needs analysis can provide assistance in order to deal with the problems of identifying learning requirements. This report also provides practical understanding about how to make recommendations for the need of training and learning solutions. This report also discusses different methods, which can assist in identifying the needs of organization or individual, to identify problems and what is the areas in which they required assistance or training. There are a number of different reasons for learning and development needs for both individuals and groups within an organization, this report also highlight those reasons. This report also focuses the factors that are responsible for developing the needs analysis training and how the training can result in achieving goals and tasks of an individual or an organization.

Undertaking a Learning Needs Analysis


Learning is an essential process for the development and achievement. Apart from learning and developing it is also very essential to identify the need of learning. It is very important to first identify the need of learning, it provides direction and focus to adopt right strategies of learning that can result in positive outcome. Learning need analysis LNA is the program that is designed to understand and assess the need for learning. According to CIPD, LNA is the process that is required to identify and specify the needs for the training of an individual or organization (Bradfield Group, 2013, 3). LNA is very essential for the identification of training needs of an organization at different levels. It also involves examining the needs of training, in order to determine the extent, to which these trainings can meet the requirements. LNA provides information about the needs of an individual or organization and then to plan and implement the strategies that can meet those needs (Fisher & Tees, 1992, p.7). Without identifying and knowing the needs of an organization or individual, it is not possible to provide correct training according to their needs. Training or learning without knowing the needs, results in waste of money, resources, time, energy, and potential. This requires that it is important to perform learning need analysis before learning or training.

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Learning Needs Analysis for Individuals and Organizations

Learning need analysis LNA is now considered as very important for most of the organizations. These organizations undertake LNA in order to identify the needs of their organizations and gaps between these needs, and skills of their employees, which create hurdles or resistance, to achieve organizational goals. Thus, LNA plays an important role in identifying those gaps between organizational goal and skills of employees, and to identify the steps and methods that can be helpful to bridge those gaps. LNA also determine methods and types of training that is more appropriate to train the employees and that match the needs of organization, along with determining ways to implement these trainings.

Apart from organizational settings, LNA is also very effective in ...
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