Leadership Self Reflection

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Leadership Self Reflection



Strengths and Weaknesses2

Effect on Career and Job4

Benefits of Leadership Styles5

Consultative Leadership5

Delegative Leadership6

Task-Oriented Leadership7



Leadership Self Reflection


In order to assess the personality and leadership style, I used two self assessment tests. These are Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and Keirsey Temperament Sorter. The MBTI and Keirsey model identify the personalities by assessing four key areas which are:

Extraversion vs Introversion,

Sensing vs Intuition,

Thinking vs Feeling and

Judging vs Perceiving (Consulting Psychologists Press, 2002)

My results from both the self assessment tools were an ISFJ personality. ISFJ personality is defined as:

Introversion (I): they tend to be quiet, shy and reserved

Sensing (S): they prefer actual information rather than theoretical definitions.

Feeling (F): they emphasize on the personal considerations more than the objective information.

Judging (J): they are planners and tend to be organized (Montgomery, 2002)


Strengths and Weaknesses

The persons that fall under the category ISFJ have many strengths and weaknesses that should be carefully assessed by the individual in order to learn from these attributes. The genera strengths of ISFJ personality are:

These people are hardworking and responsible

They place high value for work ethics

They thoroughly and carefully go into the details

They are excellent in repeating tasks and do not get bored of work

They enjoy helping and servicing others and are supportive to their co-workers

The general weaknesses of ISFJ personality are:

They do not give importance to their own needs and underestimate their values

They might feel over burden and over worked by accepting additional responsibilities

They do not analyze the future consequences of their decisions

They do not adjust to change easily (Wheeler et.al, 2002)

My two principal strengths that can help me grow in the future are the ability to work hard and to be available for others anytime for help. My efforts of working hard make me a reliable person for everyone and other people have a trust on me that I will always do the job right. My ability to help others without any demand in return make me a loyal friend and other individuals are ready to help me considering my helpful nature. The two major weaknesses that I should work on to make my future better are that I let other people walk over me and take the credit of all the work. Thus, people take advantage of me in many situations as they know I want the best for everyone and would not disclose the truth. Another weakness is my inability to get settled to change easily and to be uncomfortable in big groups. I tend to stay shy and quiet in the crowd that hides my potentials and my leadership skills. (Consulting Psychologists Press, 2002)

Effect on Career and Job

The strengths and weaknesses possessed by an individual greatly affect his career and performance. As an ISFJ personality, I feel motivated and ambitious to help others. I place importance to work values and ethics and follow personal values also. This includes include upholding tradition, taking responsibility and caring for others. These strengths of mine have a positive effect on my career as they make me a better ...
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