Language As It Relates To Cognition Language As It Relates To Cognition

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Language As It Relates To Cognition

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Nature has devised this world very astutely and very adeptly. Creating universe, earth, oceans, mountains, land, air, and even human being would be in vain if there did not exist a mean and a platform to acknowledge it. Moreover, the creation of mankind would be excessively in vain, if there did not exist a mean via which they could interact or communicate with each other. A lot has changed from the primitive times, to the current times, but what has not changed is the primary need and requirement of rendering your ideas to others, and hearing other person's views, and this is primarily obtained via a sound mediums and means of communication. The most primitive tool to attain the previously mentioned objective is that of language.

Language and Lexicon

Ina literal sense, the term language entails the process or a mechanism of communication between two parties, which comprises of a predetermined set of sounds or some designated symbols. Moreover, language is also revered as the process of communication between two parties, via the usage of preset words, via the mouth. It is further believed, to be deemed as the respective cognitive processes, which play a pivotal role in assisting the human mind, in not only producing, but also understanding and comprehending the linguistic communication that takes place for the purpose of sending across messages and numerous other objectives. Several philosophers and scholars have also termed it as a preconceived classification and arrangement of words, which are utilized for naming things with respect to their disciplines.

On the other hand, the term lexicon denotes the familiarity, knowledge and awareness of a person (the user of a particular language) of the words in that respective language. It can also be deduced that lexicon is the reference book, which includes a list of words, in an alphabetical order, entailing information about them, as well (Dixon& Marchman, 2007, p. 190).

Key Features of Language

There lies a common confusion between the key features of the language and the level of the language structure. There are numerous individuals, which misconstrue these two phenomenons. At the most basic level, there are almost more than ten features of language. For instance, the vocal auditory channel, which denotes that primarily the human language, is perceived to be acknowledged as vocal that is rendered via mouth. Moreover, other features include the Traditional Transmission, which entails that it is essential for a human to learn and comprehend the specs of a particular language, as a person is not born with language; it is something which is learnt over time, with respect to his/her surroundings and understandings. Other features of language may include the broadcast transmission and directional response; duality of patterning, which means that part of the words of a language, can be utilized to devise new forms. Other features include, the rapid fading, productivity, Interchangeability, displacement, feedback, discreteness, and specialization. Moreover, the most common talked about features of a human language are ...
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