Land Law

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Land Law

[Institute's Name]Land Law

The case study presented relates to the land law and the righs of the owner to sell their land or building. Personal property can be divided into two major categories: tangible and intangible. Tangible property includes such items as animals, merchandise, and jewelry. Intangible property includes such rights as stock, bonds, patents, and copyrights.

Possession Possession is a property interest under which an individual to the exclusion of all others is able to exercise power over something. It is a basic property right that entitles the possessor to continue peaceful possession against everyone else except someone with a superior right. It also gives the possessor the right to recover personal property (often called chattel) that has been wrongfully taken and the right to recover damages against wrongdoers.

To have possession, an individual must have a degree of actual control over the object, coupled with an intent to possess the object and exclude others from possessing it. The law recognizes two types of possession: actual and constructive.

Actual possession exists when an individual knowingly has direct physical control over an object at a given time.

For example, an individual wearing a particular piece of jewelry has actual possession of it. Constructive possession is the power and intent of an individual to control a particular item, even though it is not physically in that person's control. For example, an individual who has the key to a bank safe-deposit box, which contains a piece of jewelry that she owns, is said to be in constructive possession of the jewelry.

Rules, regulations and Laws have already existed in this world with respect to each era, which the world and its inhabitants have lived through and endured. However, Practices pertaining to numerous domains have drastically altered, more significantly since the advent of the phenomenon of internationalization, and specifically the globalization. The pivotal alterations brought along by the marvel of the advancement of technology equipped with the factor of globalisation, played a pivotal role in broadening the horizons of the inhabitants of the world. These broadened horizons have enabled them to acknowledge their rights and duties. This acknowledgement and profound insight pertaining to their rights and duties towards others, have been a pivotal factor in paving new dimensions and courses for the innovative laws and regulations, which might have existed earlier, as well, but with a negligible magnitude.

The general characterisation of Law (which is mainly understood as “Law and Order”, by a naïve mind), obscures the pivotal factors, which significantly impact the common lives of the inhabitants of the society. Therefore, it is highly imperative that the veil from the general comprehension of the term law is separated from the key branches it entails, and amongst the key branches of the law is the Land law, which significantly affect the life of a common man.

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