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Business Administrative Industry KSA


Chris Gardner as a Leader

Business Administrative Industry KSA3

Setting up a business3

Hotel Industry4

Construction industry5

Tourism industry5

Chris Gardner as an Inspirational leader6

Stockbroker and Entrepreneur7



Business Administrative Industry KSA

For the past forty years, the government of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has mainly focused on immigrant and emigrant workers in almost every industry but particularly in hospitality & tourism. This practice of the government has resulted in the deep domestic unemployment crisis in the country. Moreover, this resulted in the adoption of new policy in Saudi Arabia under the name of, “Saudizaton”. This mandates that expatiates are to be replaced with domestic workers. The benefits of this particular policy are twofold. First, immigrant workers are only called to fill the low-waged or low salaried jobs for which local residents are not willing to go for. Second, the hotel industry has relied on emigrant managers for technical expertise for a long time, which now must be transferred to Saudi citizens (Sadi and Henderson, 2005)

Saudi Arabia has her distinct characteristics of doing business in the country such as, the physical environment, geographical environment, climate and land, mineral resources, geographical importance, social and cultural setting, Islamic tradition, Arab heritage, traditional social structure, economic and business environment, over-dependence on oil, shortage of endogenous labour, shortage of management talent, and so on (Dosray ,2004).

Setting up a business

In order to develop the five industrial sectors, the Industrial Clusters program (IC) will be responsible to develop the chosen sectors for the potential high growth in energy rich and natural resources of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). KSA is considered as 1st in the Middle East and 11th out of 181 counties of the world for doing business at ease. Industrial Clusters is categorized into two different departments the Ministry of Commerce & Industry (MOCI) and the other are Ministry of Petroleum and Minerals (MinePet).this Program has connections with other governments agencies and departments, and private sector suppliers to provide the quality advice and support. This program benefits and advises the interested investors on:

Structure, organization, and legal status for a particular type of company in KSA

Company name selection

Application for investment licence which is, then proceeded via Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority, SAGIA

Registration for commercial launching of a particular business (through MOCI)

The Iqmas' i.e the upgradation of visiting visa for residency purposes

Registering with Tax & Zakkat Department

Registration of employees and their linkage with social insurance.

Loaning and funding for a particular business

Leasing of land through the application to SAIGA or to the Royal Commission.

It takes only four to five working days to register the company in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which in many countries takes enough time to ger registered the particular business. Most of the companies registered in KSA are LLC i.e Limited Liability Company, rest of the options are for joint venture, general partnership, joint stock company, and limited partnership. The brief discussion of few industries is given ...
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