Kindergarten Teacher Interview

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Kindergarten Teacher Interview

Kindergarten Teacher Interview

Part I

Early Childhood Education Program

Early childhood education (ECE) program is referred to the formal teaching of young children in the reserved settings developed outside their homes under a predetermined and well defined curriculum. Early childhood Education programs are usually defined for the children whose ages are five years i.e. till their normal schooling age. Early childhood Education programs focuses on the children learning through various learning activities, practices and theories that help them developing as more interactive, responsible, efficient and knowledgeable adolescents (Derman-Sparks, 2011, p. 1834)

Early childhood programs are developed to address the learning of a child through palying that is chiefly based on the philosophy of Jean Piaget that believes that a child's learning is centered on the influence of play. It is evident that children learn more effectively and efficiently and acquire more knowledge through activities that are more play based. These play based activities that commonly include in Early Childhood learning programs are art and colouring, social games, dramatic play, character illustrations, indoor knowledgeable games and other child and teacher interactive activities (Mallory & New, 2007, pp. 211-219).

These programs help the maximum learning potentials and natural curiosities of gaining knowledge to stem in a child through playing and interactive learning practices. Early childhood Education programs do not only focus the children but the Early childhood educators, instructors and researchers also define the role of parents as an integral factor of their child's early childhood education, because it is very essential for parents to stay engaged in their child's learning process and early education developing activities even if their child is receiving most of his education from kindergartens, daycares or childcare centres (Schweinhart & Weikart, 2010, pp. 57-60).

Introduction of the Interviewed Teacher

'The Teacher' interviewed for developing this paper is a kindergarten and elementary school teacher. She has been associated with the same kindergarten for last four years and prepares students for their schooling by teaching them basics of schooling activities for instance reading, recognitions etc.

She usually works during school hours and spend time with the children help them learn and prepare lessons in the nights or on the weekends. She is a certified professional who has regularly appeared in the degree program for Early Childhood Education Teaching & Learning and keep undertaking new and creative workshops and trainings.

In this section, you will introduce the ECE program and the teacher you interviewed. You will describe various features of the program (location of school, children served, ethnic demographics, range of SES etc.), classroom features (classroom climate and physical setting), and any special features/events that you have noticed. Do not identify the school by name or refer to the teacher by name (you can make up a name or refer to the teacher as “the teacher”).

Features of the program

Location of School

The kindergarten is located at the Green valley. The location of the kindergarten plays an important role because this is the first learning place of a ...
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