Journal Of Organizational Activities

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Journal of Organizational Activities

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Journal of Organizational Activities


The oragnzation in which I worked as employer is large organization, which incoprates strong leadership. In today's competitive environment small firms and large organizations are faced with immense competition. To deal with the global environmental factors and create a distinguished name for their organizations, firms need to incorporate individuality. The element of individuality is incorporated with the help of effective leadership. Leadership refer to influencing managers, subordinates and employees working at every level of the organization. There are vast numbers of businesses, contributing in the economy of the country. The sector of IT has emerged in past two decades and occupied an eminent position in the economy of the country. I have been designated as manager who is managing SFBT server, take calls and emails and communicate with help desk. The company is managed under effective leadership to standout from direct and indirect competitors (Blanchard, 1996).

Transformational Leadership The organization is managed under the transformational leadership style. The organization has employed firm recruitment and selection criterion. To influence employees and considering as an integral part the organization, transformational leadership style is implemented in the organization. The most basic approach that this theory uses to enhance the performance and motivation level of followers is that it gives them the sense of identity in relation with the organization. The theory is implemented as the leaders of the organization is a role model for followers/employees, who is able to inspire and motivate them by setting own examples and is able to make his followers comfortably perform in certain challenging situations. This leadership enables the followers to understand their work and responsibilities at a greater level, and are able to determine their strengths and weaknesses (Avolio et al, 2009).

Democratic Leaders The leader of the team approaches to each and every member of the group and ask about the solution for the particular problematic situation. Then based on those inputs from the members, a best solution is selected for the situation. However, sometimes it becomes for the leaders to manage a diversified mix of people and their opinions. , democratic leadership consumes too much time for the decision making process, asking each individual of the group for their input. It is also not suitable in the group where there is a lack of uneducated and/or unskilled individuals (Avolio et al, 2009).


As the organization is comprised of various business units, these units are managed and coordinated by departments, such as human resource, finance, supply chain and marketing according to the organization needs. These departments are further divided into groups or teams. In our organization teams are formulated. Teams are created with small number of people, with certain types of skills, who are committed to achieve common purpose, performance goals and approaches for which they are held responsible. The working approach towards team is defining the team structure, policies and procedure to achieve specific task. Teams are formed on the basis of three generic skill requirement of the ...
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