Job Satisfaction

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Job Satisfaction

Job Satisfaction


This paper discusses the performance of employees in an organization. The major focus of this study is on the relationship between the job performance and job satisfaction. It explores that how job satisfaction can influence the level of performance of the employees in an organization. Overall, this discussion provides a great insight of variables that influences the job satisfaction.


Significance of Human Resource

Today's organizations are dynamic and running in a competing industry. With a cut throat competition, they need to maintain their performance in the market and meet the demand. Companies require creative and enthusiastic human resource as a competitive tool to compete with others. Employees are the greatest assets of an organization. If employees are committed to the organization, then the success and growth is affirmative. However, if the employees are disloyal and suffering from low morale, then it can bring down any company in couple of months.

Job performance

In any organization, the most important element is job performance. This encouraged the investigators to research on this in depth. Researchers believe that performance is yielded from an organization's expectation and it varies from person to person. Job performance refers to the course of actions that an employee undertakes in relation to his job description. Job performance can be influenced by number of factors, among which the most vital factor is job satisfaction. Job performance and job satisfaction are positively correlated.

Job Satisfaction

A person does a job to satisfy his basic needs of life. Thus, job constitutes a major portion of a person's life. Job satisfaction implies a complete satisfaction of human. Basically job satisfaction refers to the relation between the person's expectation from the job and the benefit taken from the job. A personal is said to have a job satisfaction if emotionally all his desires and personal needs are met. Different people have various factors that triggers the job satisfaction, such as high salary, other allowances, work load, appreciation, relation with supervisor/boss, opportunity to learn more, relation with coworkers, overall environment of the workplace, location and so forth.

Lawler and porter (1967) gave a model of job satisfaction, which is illustrated below (Aziri, 2011);

This model shows that when employee performs their work, they expect to receive intrinsic and extrinsic rewards, which later gives them job satisfaction.

Relationship between Levels of Performance & Level of Job Satisfaction

Relationship between the level of work and job satisfaction have been repeatedly the subject of interest of researchers. While intuitively this relationship seems to be obvious, there have been ongoing disputes about the nature and direction of the interaction (Kumari, 2008). Below is the illustration that explains the relation between level of performance and level of job satisfaction.

Overall, researchers expect the following relationship between the directions of job satisfaction and job performance of employees;

Job satisfaction promotes efficiency

This kind of relationship seems to be the most obvious, and was further investigated. The statement that a happy employee is more effective has its strong base in social ...
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