Interview Questions

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Interview Questions

Interview Questions


Cultural diversity is a part of health institutions. It is important for the nurses to make sure that they get to know the patients so that they can treat them in the most effective manner. The requirements of healthcare should be known so that appropriate actions can be taken for the betterment of the patient. The characteristics and of the families of the patients should be known so that they can take appropriate steps and actions. In the world of nursing today, transcultural nursing is a concept that has emerged and that has helped the people in treating the patients in the most effective manner. Transcultural nursing is defined as a formal area of study and practice focused on comparative human care (caring) differences and similarities of the beliefs, values and patterned life ways of cultures to provide culturally congruent, meaningful and beneficial health care to people. This is the reason that the nurses should make sure that they are able to recognize the differences in culture and in the values and beliefs of the individuals. There might be differences between different people who are being treated and it is the responsibility of the nurses to differentiate between them and to make sure that the treatment is performed in the best manner according to their beliefs and values.

In order to provide appropriate and accurate care, nurses should make sure that they get the proper knowledge, as well as, skills that will prove to be effective and helpful for the nurses so that they can treat the patients in the right manner. Cultural competency is one aspect that should be taken care of. In addition to this, it should be made sure that while designing models cultural assessment is done so that the right ways of treatment can be implemented and steps can be taken for the betterment of the patients. A tool of transcultural assessment is the model of Giger and Davidhizars. This a tool that is developed and used by the nurses so that they can work in the most effective manner keeping in view the behavior and attitude of the patients. There are six dimensions in this model which include cultural dimensions, communication, space, social organizations, time, environmental control, and biological variations. This paper will analyze the interview that was conducted with an elderly woman and will be applied to the different dimensions of this model.


Culturally Unique Individual

Jane was hospitalized due to a chronic kidney failure. She was diagnosed about six months ago of this disease and is admitted in the hospital now. Since the past three months she has been receiving hemodialysis treatment due to which her condition is stable as of now. She was born in the United States; therefore, the culture that she has adopted is according to the values and beliefs of the countrymen. She has spent her childhood and youth in the same country; therefore, is attached to her homeland. She is comfortable with the environment and surroundings and does not want ...
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