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Interview - Jennifer Allen



Today many people think they can start their own business. No wonder really, when jobs become more difficult, or if you have been working, but still not enough income for daily living. Or if you have enough, but family time is precisely nothing. So, start your own business is an option to change this reality and online many see a very viable option. However, there are still people who do not decide to start business in action (Abdullah, 2010).

Discussion The most reliable predictions indicate that successful entrepreneur's main ingredients for achievement are the skills of each individual and their level of motivation (Kerr, & Brownell, 2013). Many schools and some government agencies provide services to help aspiring entrepreneurs to make a diagnosis on their strengths and weaknesses, it is important to conduct a self-assessment of the potential for success. Having made ??this self-assessment entrepreneurs are advised to develop a list of work experience you have, skills and training, as we would call an employment agency. A list like this will help identify weaknesses and strengthen them with the need for additional preparation (Ingram, 2013).

Most general managers or CEOs reach these positions after 50 years or even 60 years old. However, with the boom of technology companies in the world, this trend has been falling behind giving way to a new generation of CEOs. According to the American newspaper The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) Under 40 executives have taken over large companies especially in the technology industry.

For some experts, at present the capacity of youth to create innovative products is one of the keys to success; however, is an issue that has raised controversy before the value of youth at the time of extracting profit and experience is required in this regard. When an entrepreneur starts his business, his obsession is to sell. So focus all your efforts to win customers and generate revenue. The problem is that many forget the collection process and, ultimately, to take care of the cash flow or cash flow of your business. If you want to be a true entrepreneur and build your project, control the cash on hand should be your new obsession. This will help you make better decisions and be the best indicator finance health of your business. "It is essential to keep track of income and expenses of a business, the key are that tickets are cash money, i.e. cash In the case of software.

Most small businesses start with the identification of a key idea or concept. Sometimes, this concept becomes a product or service that ideally offers benefits and unique advantages over the competition. These ideas often come from previous work experiences or personal interest. Other ideas may be caused by the suggestions of friends, educational training, or simply being in the right place at the right time (Rideout, 2012). A major fault to avoid is to be as enthusiastic about a new idea that does not allow evaluating objectively their ...
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