“internship Report”

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“Internship Report”

Executive Summary1

Introduction to the Report2


How I Secured this Internship3

Purpose of this Internship:3

Description of the Organization4

History of Investors Group:4

Current Description of the Organization:5

Top Management of Investors Group:6

Job Title:6

Reported to:6

Address to Investors Group Inc:7

Work Environment and Career at Investors Group:7

Investors Group Consultancy Services:8

Role of a Consultant at Investors Group Inc:9

My Work Activities at Investors Group Inc.10

Goals to Accomplish:11

List of Responsibilities at Internship:12

Following are the responsibilities I have to fulfill during my internship tenure.12

How the Responsibilities got Accomplished:13

Reflection of my Experience14


Executive Summary

“Investors group” is a Canadian leader in providing personal financial planning services established in 1926. Investors group has made significant contributions in building and strengthening long lasting relationship with the client.

This report is an end result of my 12 weeks internship in Investors group in Canada. Investors group Inc. possesses a historical and imperative importance in the services sector of financial planning. In business activities it always remains the center of activities. It always empowers with great convention of assembly round in terms of services and funds at all ages of its vitality.

The key purpose of my internship is to learn, by working in practical environment and to apply the knowledge gained, during the studies, in a real world situation in order to deal with the issues. In this report brief description of the organization has been given and the role of consultant at Investor group, program and products, corporate overview, work and responsibilities assigned during my internship, my supervisor's detail, objective and significance have also been discussed and the recommendations & suggestions for the improvement have been made wherever required. During my internship program, I mainly worked with Saad Rashid consultant at Investors group Inc. This report will provide a complete and clear image about Investors group Inc.

Internship Report

Introduction to the Report

This internship report is based on my experience as an intern in Investors group Inc. As a student at the University of Ottawa enrolled in a program called connexion I decided to choose Investors group to apply the knowledge and experience I gained studying at the University. I selected the Investors group since it is the leader in providing personal financial planning services to its clients.

As an intern at Investors group Inc. I learned the operating principles and necessary structure of this organization while completing assignments and working with the professional staff. I was concerned with developing an understanding of the principles and methods which could be applied to the financial services and those which did not readily apply.

Throughout my internship I attended weekly seminars conducted on every Tuesday from 9.30 to 11 and financial planning workshops with Saad to develop an understanding of complex topics and issues that may become discussion points with clients.

Overall, I am very satisfied with the results of my internship. I was able to make use of my knowledge and apply it in a real organization. I was able to see a few distinctions in working that came about from my efforts. Because of the character of the internship and the brief time period ...
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