International Marketing

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International Marketing

International Marketing


The consultant is the required person which has major responsibility to provide accurate and extensive knowledge to their clients. Being as an international marketing consultant, the main responsibility it to speculate the world marketing scenario and critically utilize it in the UK market company. This will effectual for the company to survive in the world market among other competitors. Further, it can also probable to develop itself in a big emerging market.

Question 1

Caspia Consultancy has formed in 2001, when the C.E.O of this marketing company has influenced to open his own marketing company. The Caspia has faced critical situation at the time of entrance in the market among other competitors. Though, the marketing agency has promoted their company by publishing articles on international and nationwide magazines. The response was not completely awful due to other surviving competitors in the market. The marketing agency had approached qualitative research methodology for familiarize the market context. They appointed best researchers for analyzing the market criteria, though the investigators have grasped the special attention of customers by conducting several approaches. These approaches had described in terms of the survey, interview session with customers and other marketing agency competitors. Through research approach, the investigator has provided a report that based on customer perceptions. The new market agency manager has used the report by analyzing and speculating the marketing scenario. The level of difficulties and complexities was at the pinnacle because it is hard for the company to survive under tough competition. The UK market has to enter in the big emerging market and try to compete it at international level. This can be possible by using strong strategies. The new establish marketing company has to take certain steps which can be effectual for them in terms of surviving. The big emerging market includes China, India and other which have almost covered the world market. The big emerging countries have used strong tactics due to which they easily grabbed the international market. Though the new marketing company has newly entered in an international market, so they require accurate planning that helps them to sustain a good position in the market (Turnbull & Paliwoda, 2013).

Potential Difficulties & Problems

The new marketing company has entered in an international market here they has to compete with big emerging markets. The potentials problems may face that hard the Caspia marketing agency to adjust under perilous situation. Being as a marketing consultant there are various potential problems that I might speculate by using my experience which are as follows:

The company has to face perilous situation for understanding the marketing strategy of big emerging markets.

Understand the strong strategy of big emerging market by using their working techniques and criteria.

Identify the current criteria of the market and draw their own methods which can effectively focus in front of emerging market competitors.

The non adjustability in terms of product and services price of new market agency as compared to big emerging ...
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