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International Marketing

International Marketing


This report will look into a French Car producer, Renault. The report will put together an international marketing plan for the launch of an electric / hybrid car by a French auto manufacturer in the US market. The introduction of an electric hybrid car in the US market by Renault will be the focus of the report.


About Renault

Renault is a car maker group of France. The group has its presence in more than a hundred and 18 countries of the world. The group is famous for designing, developing, manufacturing and selling vehicles that are environmentally safe, innovative, as well as, safe. The company sells its products all around the world. The company has a total of around 128,893 employees ( All of the employees work together on the strategy that is followed by the company, and that is achieving profitable growth. The strategy of the company is build up on three main factors, which are

International expansion



Renault is one of the leading brands in Europe which produce vehicles. It is the only group to have five cars which have been rated as five stars by the Euro NCAP. The company has also won the World Championship of Formula 1for the constructors and drivers. The company has made an alliance with Nissan and is continuously pursuing the strategy of international development. The activities of the group are divided and are organized into two main divisions,

The Automobile Division

The automobile division of Renault also includes brands like Dacia and Samsung. The automobile division is responsible for designing, developing, and marketing the passenger cars, as well as, the light commercial vehicles. The division made a 95.3% of the revenues of the company in 2006 which summed up to 39,605 euro.

The Sales Financing Division

The sales financing division of Renault is responsible for the sales and marketing activities of Renault. The division also includes Banque, as well as, its subsidiaries. The international development of the Renalult Group is undertaken by a total of 60 companies which are working hard for the international development of the brand. The revenues of the division in 2006 were 4.6% of the total of the group which summed up to 1.923 million euro (


The cars of Renault Group have been performing very well in the Car of the Year Awards of Europe. The company also owns the car which has the privilege of winning the best car award twice. The recent models of Renault are famous for their safety, environmental protection and innovation. The group has also regularly topped the car sales chart in France, facing fierce competition from the rivals Peugeot and Citroën.

Overseas Accolades

The company has also won a number of international awards including the most prestigious automobile award of Australia. The company has won many international cars of the year awards as well.

Levels of Products and Services

The products of Renault Group are divided into three levels. The main product of Renault Group is cars. The core benefit that is associated with this product is ...
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