International Business Strategy

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International Business Strategy

International business Strategy


In this era of globalization every organization has to face challenges in order to run a successful business at international level. Among various companies dealing internationally Unilever is one of the leading company deals in multiple products in diversified sectors. It mainly deals in personal care, home care, and package food also weight management products. The most profitable business or it can be say that the highest sales ratio of the company is generating from hair care products. Internationally Unilever is facing big competitors like Procter and Gamble and L'Oreal. These two companies are also driving sales on large scale from international level. To give good competition and remain stable in international market an effective business strategy is necessary for any organization. Currently, the company is following an effective international business strategy as it is expanding business across the world and launching new products in different countries of the world.

The below discussion is about the company structure and the current international business strategy of the company. The discussion is also about the some recommendations for more effective international business strategy by which company can also enhance its performance at international level.


Company Background

The organization Unilever was founded by Willian Hesketh in 1930. They gave new idea to the world about the women that they are not only for doing housework. The head office of this company is present in United Kingdom. The organization mostly deals in consumer products such as food, home and personal care products. Organization operates worldwide and working with huge labor force around 174,000. The company operates in different countries of the world like Canada, China, Italy, Russia, USA, Spain, Germany etc. In order to compete in international market Unilever owned 316 supplementary goods and has opened many varieties of brands.

Company History

During the late (19th) nineteenth century the Unilever were the most charitable organization of their time. They started different projects to improve the efficiency of their employees and launched many products. Nowadays; Unilever still considers that achievement means acting with 'the highest standards of corporate behavior towards our employees, consumers and the societies and world in which we live. With the passage of time the company participated to take steps for the consistent supplies of raw materials, environmental protection, local communities' protection and many more. The timeline of its brand shows that how this company has evolved. The company faced all economic phases like boom, depression and also world wars with the advancement in technology.

Timeline Evolution of the Company

The given below table shows the timeline evolution of the company. It reflects that in 1970s company faced hard time due to high inflation and economic crises. But in 1980s the company became one of the major company of the world. After this the company expanded its business globally and in 1990s the company launched its products to Central and Eastern Europe. And in 21st century the new paths are open for the company.


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