International Business

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International Business

International Business

Executive Summary

I have chosen Starbucks Coffee Company as the desired company and, we all know that, Starbucks is the leading coffee company today and, has numerous retail stores around the world. Behar (2007) had provided a strong overview of Starbucks and, leadership principles in this company (Behar, 2007, p12). Let us start with a brief overview of Starbucks. Starbucks Corporation has also planned to open more than 1000 stores in China by the year 2015. This company is situated in Washington and, considered as one of the leading company of United States. It is the biggest coffeehouse and a company, of the world because; it has 19,763 stores in various countries of the world. It has 12,848 stores in USA, 1,264 in Canada and 621 in China.

No other coffee house or retail coffee cafés can be as famous as Starbucks itself, which is a globally renowned coffeehouse brand name that has been successful in establishing both its name and brand since its inception in 1971. The company began its humble operations as a roaster and retailer of whole bean and ground coffee in Seattle. Today the company on average serves over a million customers daily throughout its various outlets and franchises operating around the globe.

The main mission of this organization is to inspire and nurture the human spirit, through providing a friendly environment that exudes qualities of combining communication with a sense of community, through its coffees around various neighborhoods all over the world. Today, Starbucks has over seventeen thousand and six hundred stores that can be found in over fifty-five countries such as Bahamas, Canada, Bahrain, Chile, Cyprus, China, Japan, Oman, America and Switzerland to name a few (

Starbucks Corporation sells different varieties of coffees such as drip brewed coffee, espresso coffee, pastries, snacks and other items which include mugs and cups. All the products of Starbucks Corporation are seasonal and, depend upon the environment and, locality conditions. Ice cream and coffee are also sold at numerous stores (Starbucks Coffee Company, February2008). This paper aims to discuss the international business strategy, corporate level strategies and operational strategy of Starbucks with an analytical view of how the currently employed strategies by the company are beneficial for its long-term success, along with the company's competitive environment analysis.

The data collected in this study is utterly based on secondary data. The sources used for this study are consisted of numerous peer review journals, articles, official websites, e books etc. The purpose of using secondary research findings is to collect information from different sources like books and other relevant material. By implying this method the researcher can attain more information by utilizing the methods in the secondary research.


Starbucks Coffee Company has a long term goal to open more than 50000 coffee stores in an entire world which is more than the triple of the present coffee stores (Starbucks, 2011, p3).

The company has achieved a turnover level in excess of 210 million Euros ...
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