Intellectual Awareness And Communication

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Intellectual awareness and communication

[Word Count: 2233]

Table of Contents


Communication and society4

Personal experience5

Intellectual awareness and communication5

Personal experiences6

Cross culturism and an individual6

Personal experience7

Group membership and individual sense of identity7

Personal experience8

Distorted view of society8

Communication between opposite genders9

Personal experience9

Intercultural communication and media9

Personal experiences10

Communication in Sri Lanka10

Workplace differences in culture11


Intellectual awareness and communication


The term intellectual awareness is a broader context of self-awareness. It is defined as “the capacity of individual mind to assess and reason different phenomena through objective and rationale process, as well as, being conscious of the process”. Intellectual awareness is a high-graded from of self awareness pertaining to the objectivity of reasoning faculty, as well as, conscious knowledge about it. Communication pertains to exchange of information between two individuals through a medium. Intellectual awareness has a direct connection with communication. The paradigm of communication is highly affected by intellectual communication. The level of communication for an individual, broadly speaking for a society; highly depends upon level of intellectual awareness for the individual. Culture pertains to commonly attained believes, attributes, norms, and intellectual development attained through a group of people, whereas, communication pertains to exchange of information and believes through interaction of individuals in a society (Maude, 2011).

The paper discusses the concept of intellectual awareness and communication, as well as, their significance in terms of societal context. The paper further discusses the connection between intellectual awareness and communication. The paper signifies the concept of intellectual awareness and its effects on communication, as well as, the process of creating intellectual awareness on societal level through communication. The paper studies the concept of intellectual awareness, as well as, communication in relation to intellectual awareness in a society. It attempts to look into the change in societal context with enhanced intellectual awareness created trough communication. It looks into the effect of enhanced communication in a society. It justifies the premise through enumerating several personal experiences.

Communication and society

The flow of communication actually emerges as the 'shared living'. The societal paradigm of shared living, as well as, achieving enhanced quality of livelihood; highly rests upon the flow of communication. It is the channel that endorses societal growth in a uniform dimension of progress and development. It leads society towards evolution and innovation, as well as, eradication of stagnancy from a society (Roy et al, 2012). In a societal context, the importance of communication is discussed as under;

Foundation of human form: the foundation of human existence is based upon sharing and interaction, as well as, sharing the thought process. In a society, human existence is revived through communicating knowledge and information acquired by the individual.

Human expression: communication is the only form of human expression in the universe. Human beings communicate through several modes of communication. Human express their learned experiences, as well as, their tendency towards development and newness through communication.

In relation to human nature: the human nature has inherited developing relationships and long term social terms on the basis of their communication, as well as, the response of corresponding ...
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