Instructional Practices For Standards-Based Curriculum

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Instructional Practices for Standards-Based Curriculum

Instructional Practices for Standards-Based Curriculum


Over the last few years, there have been tremendous changes that have put education and education leadership at an important front of the policies, debates and research pertaining to education. According to the research, school leaders are of immense importance when it comes to improving students' achievements and instructions. Speaking at the policy level, performance at schools have been kept covert under the federal law for holding the schools responsible for increasing achievements of the students among all the subgroups of the population, (Derrington, 2008).

Similarly the schools face pressure for producing graduates who are well trained and can cope up with the changing workplace environments. In today's ever changing environment related to the education policies, a set of standards turns out to be as good as the inputs it bases on. There is a dire need to address to the present changes in the field of education and also for responding to the input given by the policy leaders and practitioners, (Derrington, 2008). Among all the concerns being addressed, is the reality that the standards set back in the 1996 were not flexible.

This was due to the fact that the nature of the examples of indicators of leadership negated and limited various areas that might have been presented in the listings. In our discussion, we will talk about the various practices designed to achieve high-level learning for all students in a standards-based curriculum.


One of the practices designed for this very purpose is the ISLLC 2008. It is designed to serve a wide set of guidelines which can be used by the various US states as a benchmark for the development or for upgrading one's own standards. These standards are used for providing a guidance of a very high level and an insight regarding the function of work, responsibilities and traits which will be asked for the district leaders and the schools. By using this policy as a basic foundation, USA can develop a language, which is common and bring about the much needed consistency to the leadership policy of education at various levels, ensuring expectations that are clear in the nature, (Babo, 2010). These policy standards have been described by the professionals as an important step towards the creation of locally customized and comprehensive approaches for the development and the retention of leaders of high stature. The goal related to these standards is to upgrade the students' achievements, just as it is with any education set of standards. These set standards are essential as they contribute to the effort through an improved coordination among the various policy makers, organizations and education leaders.

ISLLC 2008 focuses on encouraging flexibility in the way how programs related to the leadership preparations view and define leadership. These new standards also provide historical material, which was not included in the standards of the 1996, by providing a sample of research. The most essential change recognizes the fact that when the 1996 standards were implemented, many ...
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