Information System

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Information System and Statistics

Information System and Statistics


This paper elaborates the information system which is used in admission process in Sweden. Moreover, it will also consider statistics of a national Swedish authority which handles the application/admission processes to Higher Education Institutions in cooperation with national centralized web-based admission system with the help of The Office Support System Analyses and Design, OSSAD. OSSAD is the methodology which has been used to analyze the data which has been collected in researching the role of information system in admission process in Sweden (Savolainen, 1999, p.42).

Since the year 2007, web based admission system which is national centralized has been set up for admissions of undergraduate students. These systems are helping in graduate studies in Sweden with the help of NyA i.e. National Admission System. Swedish Council for Higher Education helped Swedish HEIs in order to develop this efficient system. This system incorporates search web which is considered as a web based interface which offers searching of studies (Mobjörk, n.d.). Processing client is another part of this admission system which incorporates the processing of each and every application to the institutions and universities of Swedish higher education. For the purpose of client processing, the system is incorporated with data base Beda. This data base Beda is used for collecting final school grades of upper secondary schools and afterwards these grades are linked with another national data base. This national data base has been designed for study administration Ladok. All the technical management of this system has been handed over to UHR (Mobjörk, n.d.).

Each HEI was responsible for handling individual admission to Swedish HEI by the year 2007. According to the research, it has been found that currently there are almost 36 HEIs which have signed contracts with Swedish Council for Higher Education for getting permission to use NyA for processing admission. The entire admission process's functioning is entirely based on the demands of the contracting HEIs. Jointly, these organizations put into the activities of AkVo i.e. Academic Virtual Organization. AkVo is the common resource which has been designed for HEI in order to assess foreign academic documentations. The resource of AkVo is led and organized by UHR. It consists of qualified administrators within the HEIs (Mobjörk, n.d.).

Figure 1: Data Exchange - Admission System NyA for Swedish applicants (Zettervall, 2013, Pp.6-12)

After the introduction in Sweden of tuition fees to HEIs in 2011/2012 for citizens from outside EEA and Switzerland discussions have arised on how to improve its functioning for such purposes as correct statistics to enable assessment on the functioning of tuition fees. The ICT-based admission NyA caters for both the Swedish and the international admission processes.

This paper helps in understanding information system of UHR in order to handle admission system in which both participants and clients are considered as HEIs. We will do this by diagnosing the information system of UHR with OSSAD. The authority UHR presently uses the computer based information system on data organization and treatment automation system Windows ...
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