Individual Reflective Diary

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This assignment is about a reflective portfolio that whatever the class students have been learnt in this module regarding communications and media and also, there will be an exploration that how well the group presentation that has been delivered in the class about the topic “Prudential Ride London 2013” went along in the classroom. The group in-class presentation has been conducted successfully in the class. After that, it is required by each member of the group to write down about three reflective pieces regarding what has been experienced throughout the presentation. This reflective portfolio will describe about specific things learned by every student whereas completing the group project. The three reflective pieces are comprised of the questions, such as:

Was there any problem in communicating each other?

Where did we fail and why?

What could have been better in order to do better for the group?

The reflective answers of all these three questions that have been experienced through presenting the presentation in the class are as follows:

Was there any problem in communicating each other?

The overall in-class presentation went well in the classroom as communicating a presentation effectively is a critical task, and it has the great influence on the audience about the topic which has been represented to them. As, it was required by us to choose any event and then elaborating its marketing and sponsorship through delivering presentation in the class so that every student present in the classroom could be better able to understand that what about that event in actual. Effective communication in in-class presentation is so necessary; as a negatively communicated presentation remains negative impacts on the image of the particular company or the specific event that has been in process of representing in the classroom. In order to persuade the audience successfully towards the respective event, it is highly essential to choose and use correct form of words that could be better and positively understood by the audience.

The in-class presentation that was delivered by our group in front of other students was carefully delivered in a way that could not produce any problem for the audience in appropriate understanding about the marketing and sponsorship of the event of “Prudential Ride London2013”. Our presentation was made in a way that was able to effectively interpreted, composed, and presented the ideas, values, and information to the audience present in the classroom. Also, the way in which we, as groups members, were delivering the presentation about that specific event in the class, were all well-prepared and competent with the abilities of composing useful data, and of critically analysing, presenting, and delivering the information through using verbal signals or verbal communications as well. We, in our class presentation, were carefully focusing on the information that was even spoken out by mouth; as every single word spoken is essentially interpreted by the audience in a manner that they wish to understand. So, it is better to speech in a way that could exactly be interpreted and ...
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