Individual Project: Project Proposal

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The Internal market existing within the European Union, which is also referred to as the 'single market', aims to grant certain relaxations and 'freedoms' for the 27 members (states) of the European Union. These freedoms relate to the unconstrained movement, of capital, goods, services as well as people, within the countries that are members of the European Union. The expected consequences from the formation of a single market, or one market, are the improvement in productivity due to increased competition, specialization as well as the occurrence of economies of scale. This would enable the productive factor to move freely in and out of locations according to the value they receive in those particular locations, and would contribute toward the most efficient allocation of scarce resources. However, these freedoms are not always as perfect as they seem; for instance, individuals have faced numerous unnecessary bureaucratic issues in an attempt to move from one member state to another member state of the European Union.

Scope of study

By the end of the '90s, a majority of the European countries were inspired by the concept of creating a European architecture that formed a “new and united Europe”. Within twenty years, hopefulness led to moderate reassessment of the seemingly never ending, continuously rising collection of issues that arose due to the numerous uncertainties arising from modifications in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.

The challenge of the reform was not fresh, but the circumstances were, and by the year 1989, the need for such a reform became necessary. Most of the States were aware of this necessity, however, a limited number of States knew how to influence the elements that would lead to this radical change (Holland, 1992). The latest challenges posed by the disorder in a greater part of Europe formed the content of these reforms.

When considering the difficulties faced by the European Commission in these twenty years, it is generally assumed that all difficulties are fall under the term “enlargement”. The term 'enlargement' can be defined as the rise in the amount of member States of European Union. It creates major issues of widening and deepening as it is associated with level and scope of the integration (of member States). Any rise in the members States (of the European Union) infers that the economic and political creation will change and alter the institution.

The final project report will try to comprehensively analyze the rationale behind the concept of building a single market through the integration of multiple markets, by the European Union. It will look into the process of evolution of the single European Union market, the major contributors involved with its evolution, and the governmental as well as legal instrument (inclusive of the subsidiary legislation) that have contributed to and have been utilized in the due process of promoting the objectives of the single market of the European Union.

The three freedoms that have been discussed during the course in the sessions, ...
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