Impact Of Sms Text Reminders On Cognitive Behavior Therapy Appointments

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Impact of SMS Text Reminders on Cognitive Behavior Therapy Appointments



I pay My heartiest thanks to My project supervisor Mr.______________ without whose prime support and experienced advice it was merely impossible for me to achieve the milestones, I would also like to thank Mr._____________ for providing us best support during the project execution phase I hope the same supervision in the years ahead. Last but not the least I would pay thanks to everyone who have been involved in making this project a success


I, (Your name), would like to declare that all contents included in this thesis/dissertation stand for my individual work without any aid, & this thesis/dissertation has not been submitted for any examination at academic as well as professional level previously. It is also representing my very own views & not essentially which are associated with university.




SMS reminders were sent to clients attending CBT and a control arm who were also attending CBT were not sent any reminders. The two groups were compared with respect to their attendance records to see if there was any statistical difference in the two groups. A little data have been collected from my own original research. In this writing assignment there is a section on the statistics that can be used for analysis of such a study (without putting in any numbers and values as available data is very limited due to the reason I explain below). There is a discussion on the statistics that can be employed to complete such a study with explanatory diagrams if possible so that in future if someone gathers a greater amount of data, this work could provide a reference and guideline for how one should check the research data for statistical significance. as initially the plan for the study included three groups, Two experimental and one control arms. One group received text messages only a day prior to their appointment and the second experimental group got text messages a day before the appointment as well as on the morning of the day of the appointment. However due to lack of volunteers and lack of time only one experimental group and one control group was actually setup. The experimental arm received sms reminder a day prior to the appointment






Defining Communication3

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy5



The Short Messaging Service (SMS)7


Development of SMS8

SMS Language9

Definitions techniques in GSM11

MT-SM messages (from arrival to phone) MO-SM (generated in the phone)11


The Process of Communication15

Cognitive Behavior Therapy18

Types of Cognitive Therapy20


1st activities expand and lift mood23

2nd examines automatic thoughts and refute23

3rd distorted thinking and negative biases identified23

4th basic assumptions change24

Absenteeism from cognitive behavior therapy outpatient appointments24

Strengths and weaknesses of SMS technology29

What are the advantages and disadvantages of SMS subscriptions?32

Cost Efficiency analysis33

Impact of SMS Reminders on Patients37

Case A: patients NOT suffering for Dementia37

Case B: Patients Suffering from Dementia39

Why CBT clients are reluctant to participate in such studies?40


Client Eligibility44

History matching44


Concept of Resistant behavior of such clients47

Resistance in Response Content48

Resistance with Response Quantity49

Resistance in Response Style50

Resistance in Logistic Managements50

Contribution of the Counselor52

Contribution of the ...
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