Immigration Laws- Questions And Answers

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Immigration Laws- Questions and Answers

Immigration Laws- Questions and Answers

Discussion 1 : Proposed Free Trade Areas

International business and globalization has lead to a dramatic increase in the free trade among the countries of the world. The free trade among the countries ahs significantly increased over the past decade. The free trade among the countries in South America such as Mercosur includes the common market of the South America. The free trade agreement among the countries in South America is the political and economic agreement. The countries included in the agreement involve Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay which is currently suspended from the free trade area. The Mercosur is made to promote the free and smooth movement of the services, goods and people among the states that are the member of Mercosur. The purpose of the bloc of the Mercosur for free trade movement is backed by the Treaty of Asuncion of 1991 that enabled the free trade among the member states among the South American countries and allowing the economic integration within the member countries. The integration among the southern American countries would strengthen the regional bloc for the United States of America in order to increase the economic and financial performance of the countries and the industries of the states that are the member states of the Mercosur. The countries that are not part of the Mercosur bloc or have a little interaction with the Mercosur are the associate members. There are five associate members of Mercosur including the Bolivia, Chile, Peru, Colombia and Ecuador. These countries could not fully hold the voting rights and other benefits obtainable by the members of Mercosur. The associate members could not gain access to the markets where the Mercosur members can fully trade and freely.

Discussion 2 : Immigration Issues

The United States is consider as a destination for immigrant entrepreneurs who are highly motivated but do not have the opportunities to apply their potential in their home countries due to lack of resources. The concept of immigrant entrepreneurs is seen to be lowering down in the recent decade. It is due to the fact that other counties are also looking for foreign talent to be applied in their countries to get an economical success (Fairlie, 2012). This competition has paved new ways for the United States and the country needs to revise their policies regarding the immigrant entrepreneurs. The competitive countries are formulating and implementing such policies that attract immigrant entrepreneurs along with persuading the home talent to provide their best and retain in the country.

According to a report on American economy, it has been found that around 18 % of the giant companies included in the fortune 500 list were established by immigrant entrepreneurs (Immigrant Learning Centre, 2012). Some of them are Google, Yahoo, BJ's wholesale club, Big Lots and well care Health plans. The report identifies that the total revenue generated by these businesses accounts for around $ 1. 7 trillion annually. The employment generated by these businesses in United States ...