Human Development Course Project 2 young & Middle Adulthood

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Human Development Course Project 2

Young & Middle Adulthood

Human Development Course Project 2

Young & Middle Adulthood


Human development reveals the hidden biological, physical and psychological transition of an individual, but researchers are always found to be more interested in dealing with the individual's behavior, personal characteristics and the environmental factors including social background that anyway impact the process of human development. In this paper we need to focus the human development process with a much narrower approach. The paper focuses on the human development process and transition in the young and middle adulthood (Kail & Cavanaugh, 2010, pp.357-593).

Emerging adulthood is referred to the period of complete adultness that a typical human experience in his late teens. Examples include forming intimate bonds, sustaining close friendships and an ultimate desire of making a family. Resolution of previous developmental stages also seems common like advance intimacy skills and increase in the sense of identity. If not learned at this stage the substitute is isolation, alienation, lack of ability to depend on other and commitment fear. Role transition indicates and decides whether an individual reached adulthood (Kail & Cavanaugh, 2010, pp.363).

On an average human between the ages of 25-69 experience the phase of middle adulthood. At this stage an individual usually experience stagnation and generativity. They either feel purposeless or develop high sense of contribution towards their life family or society. An individual experience most of physical transition during this phase (Kail & Cavanaugh, 2010, pp.357).

Erikson's theory of development defines the old age when the individuals actually review the worth of their lives. People usually develop feeling of truthfulness, deciding whether they had successful lives or may develop a feeling of sensory deprivation if one evaluates his life as a failure or of non worthiness (Kail & Cavanaugh, 2010, pp.357-593).


David Harrison, lives in my neighborhood is a 58 years old man who always has experiential narratives to share with me and my family. A middle aged man with full of life occurrences has a lot of incidents that reveals transitions of human life from young to middle adulthood (Haywood & Getchell, 2009).

As a young individual when he enters adulthood, he was at the peak of physical and emotional functioning and realized a strong coordination of his all the five senses. After completing the high school, it was a time to enter college. David was going through his young adulthood. He started experiencing ...
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