How has globalization shape the world of work and employment in contemporary times?
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[Institute's Name]How has globalization shape the world of work and employment in contemporary times?
Gone are those days when the world would be divided into numerous confined and secluded regions, where the inhabitants of each territory would be unaware and naïve of the dynamics of the outer world and the other regions that exist. For a naïve mind, a rather baffling situation arises, when it opts to attribute this changing conditions and dynamics of the modern world, which turned the world, from several confined and secluded regions, to literary a single unit. As many factors, as they can be attributed to the previously stated connotation, a naïve, yet cognitive mind would refer this facets and characteristics of the modern world and era, to the pivotal (after) effects of globalization.
The literal meanings of the term globalization denote the growth, expansion and development of different facets of the world to a worldwide level. The underlying connotations of the previously sated statement eloquently refer to the fact that, with respect to globalization, the confinements of the geographical boundaries become trivial, and nations of the world opt to expand themselves, their operations and even existence, beyond the stated geographical boundaries of their own territories.
For a more comprehensive overview of the term and phenomenon of globalization, it can be eloquently articulated, without any ambiguity that globalization is the ongoing procedure of the international incorporation and integration, which primarily arises from the unimpeded exchange of products, views, ideas, and most importantly some pivotal aspects of the respective cultures. However, these aspects of globalization compel a person to meditate over the factors, which acted as the key ingredients for paving way, for the phenomenon of globalization to take place and gain boom (Brown, 2008).
Amongst those pivotal factors are the great scientific and technological; advancements that have taken place in the world, such as the boom of internet, via which communication found its new form, the enhanced facets of transportation, which enabled mankind to go from one region to another in matter of hours, the improved and ever enhanced infrastructure of countries, which enhanced the lifestyles and dynamics of the societies, the exchange and adaptation of economies and different cultures of the world, the ever lowered barriers between countries or different regions of the world, and most importantly, the increase and propagation of international trade.
Role Of/ How Has Globalization Shaped The World Of Work
The previous section was eloquent enough in articulating the prime facets or factors that paved way for the embarkment of globalization in our world, and enabling the inhabitants of the modern world to break the shackles of the confinements that the primitive times had rendered to them. However, bedsides the factors that paved way for globalization to transform this world, it is highly imperative that the after effects of the same phenomenon are astutely comprehended, to assimilate a naive mind, regarding the strengths and downside it endures. As ...