Hotel Management

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Hotel management

Hotel management


It is not surprising that after the death of Osama bin Laden, strict security measures at airports and embassies were taken mainly on the hospitality industry because of the terrorist attacks. After the incidence of 9/11, there have been countless attempts of terrorist to attack, and unfortunately many of them are successfullyachievedin hotels from New York to India. These hotels are not only easy to hit, but are also attractive targets due to their iconic landmarks. Whereas, the preventive measures are usually limited because terrorists are familiar to the places and they know when and where to attack (Ashworth, 2000).

The aim of this paper is to develop the concept of safety and security implementation in the hospitality industry, under which clients of the hotel and its employees can feel confident, relaxed and comfortable. The concept of security includes not only protection from criminal attacks, but also established the preventive measures to protect against fire, explosion or other emergency. An effective solution to this problem requires a systematic approach based on the analysis of the functioning of the object; identify the unsafe areas and high-risk threats, and all the possible scenarios of criminal activities and the development of appropriate responses.


On July 17, 2009, two suicide bombers carried out a corresponding attack on the Ritz Carlton and JW Marriott in an up market area of Jakarta, Indonesia. Nine people were killed and over 52 were injured. According to investigators, the terrorists were in the hotels as guests, and hiding explosives in their luggage and avoid making X-ray screens by using the car trunk, which was too large to pass through the security screen. It was assumed that a hotel guest could not be a terrorist, so the buttons decided that the luggage could be transported to the guest room without any check (Ashworth, 2000).

The terrorist cell that attacked in Jakarta had checked into the JW Marriot and Ritz Carlton as guests, and it is believed that the same happened in the terrorist attacks on the Taj and Oberoi hotels in Mumbai, India, in November 2008. (Baum, 1997).The threat of terrorist attacks is no longer a matter for the security services. Recent developments about the attacks on hotels in Egypt and Mumbai showed small protection measures such as real estate deals etc.

It should be noted that, for example, the same Marriott hotel in Islamabad was provided sufficiently advanced security features, which, even by saving a few lives, yet not allowed saving the hotel from the almost complete destruction. In relation to the hotel complex concept of security not only includes protection from criminal attacks, but, even the creation of preventive measures to protect against fire, accident, undue interference in personal and business life of guests, staff abuse, and other factors of discomfort. In addition, the optimal solution in the field of security must help to improve the technology of hotel service.

On the other hand, hotels and resorts ensure the staffs and guests to feel safe when they stay in ...
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