Hospitality Law

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Hospitality Law

Hospitality Law


Hospitality law provides awareness of the rights & responsibilities that the law grants to or imposes upon a hotel owner & illustrates the possible consequences of failure to satisfy legal obligations. Provided case give us a chance to look into the various aspects of hospitality law. Hospitality in a broad term is difficult, demanding, and to some extent opposing but seems like a mixture of both pleasure and pain in service work . The challenging and demanding feature is even taken as an opportunity for the additional learning skills and creating better experiences for prospective customers. Problems regarding hospitality can be addressed and settled through hospitality law. The given case study highlights four issues to be sovled with the help of hospitality law.

Closure of advertised activities

The given case describe the scenario that when Brenda filled the online form for booking it was promised that Leftfields provides the holiday of dreams and when she received the booking confirmation letter the promise was somewhat broken by stating that Leftfields will not take responsibility in some conditions. One of the conditions was closure of recreational activities mentioned in the brochure. Now this concern will come under the law of hospitality in subsection 'Guest Reservation', which itself has a number of scenarios to discuss. Here, Form and Effect of Agreement and Guest Lawsuits for Damages both are applicable. Since Brenda was already informed about the concerns of activities, it was assumed that she agrees to this term but Leftfields nevertheless provided them railway tickets in the form of compensatory . This compensation was provided because swimming pool was closed for cleaning purposes. Further it depends on the reservation she had done and what action can be taken:

Types of Reservation

High demand of requests for reservations, hotels have classified them in different ways. The most important and recognized are :

Tentative Reservation: are reservations that are requested without offering any security to carry them out. Usually these are projects that are subject to change or cancellation.

Reservation Deadline: they make a curfew, with the hotel free to lengthen or shorten according to your needs. These reservations are not guaranteed or deposit.

Reservation Guarantee: Reservations are contacted through a travel agency, airline or advisory groups and conventions, and are guaranteed by a coupon or change order. In the event, that guest does not show the hotel will keep the room until the next day.

Reservation deposit: those in which customers have ordered the payment of at least one night in the plan that it deems most appropriate host for your needs.

Group Bookings: Reservations are those older than ten rooms on the same date and with similar characteristics.

Action Taken

Action should have been taken at the point of time when confirmation of booking was received. The reservations department, before this contract must bear a double check, as these rooms will be "sold", but physically are empty .

Reservation Denied: n is that it was possible to accept, even after you have placed on the Waiting List. You must act very diplomatically explained ...
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