Healthcare Associated Infections

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Healthcare Associated Infections

Healthcare Associated Infections


Patients attain the healthcare associated infections when they are experiencing an inpatient care for any other disease. The infections can be of any type. Patients who are experiencing any surgeries or operations have a weak immune system and are at a risk of acquiring any disease or infection. According to a study there are more than 1.8 million cases of Healthcare Associated Infections reported annually in the United States ( Furthermore, World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention consider that due to the lack of proper observation, there can be a difference in the number of cases reported and the actual number of cases (


There are many types of Healthcare associated infections. These infections are as follows. Urinary tract infections Urinary tract infections occur to the 32% admitted patients in the hospitals (Gorwitz RJ. et al 2008). In this type of infection, bladder, kidneys, ureters and Urethra are affected by the entry of bacteria in the system. A urinary catheter is a small tube attached to the bladder for the discharge of urine. While inserting the catheter, some bacteria can enter into the urinary tract through the catheter tube and through the external surface. The symptoms of the infection may be a burning sensation during the excretion of urine and pain ( surgical site infections these infections take place at the part of the body where the surgery occurred. 22% of people suffer from the surgical site infections (Gorwitz RJ. et al 2008). The infections can be localized to skin only, or they can extend up to the tissues and internal organs. These infections can develop after some time of the surgery or can occur immediately. The factors which increase the risk of developing the surgical site infections include age, invasiveness ...
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