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Part 1

LO1: Know the Structure and Functioning of the Human Body

1. Cellular metabolism can be defined as the chemical procedure taking place within individual cell that are necessary for the preservation of life. It contains all the responses involved in degrading food molecules, in making macro molecules desirable by the cell, and in creating minute precursor molecules, like some amino acids, for the need of cell. It also consists of all responses concerning electron transfers. Metabolism takes place in the series of biochemical processes called pathways. Our body wants oxygen to carry out body functions. Oxygen approaches in our body through respiration; alveoli detain the air and allow oxygen to be engrossed in the blood stream. After the oxygen come into the body, hemoglobin picks it up. It conveys oxygen all over in the body. When oxygen reaches at inside the cell, additional protein cytochrome c oxidase builds particles of water out of molecules of oxygen fetched to it. In this method, there is bit energy to be released. The cells then use the energy to perform the everyday function that your body needs (Tapley, 2013, p.nd).

2. Carbon dioxide is formed when the body wants to produce energy. It takes place in the mitochondria of the cell. This structure uses macro molecules, anything from lipids, sugars, and other substances, and smashes them to form water and carbon dioxide. This entire process cannot happen without oxygen, and that is why we need it to stay alive.

The substances those are not beneficial for the organism is excreted by the body and are known as metabolic wastes. Metabolic wastes include water, phosphates, nitrogen compounds, sulfates and carbon dioxide. Except carbon dioxide, these all metabolic wastes excreted in the form of water solutes through excretory organs, whereas carbon dioxide uses respiratory system to be excreted. This excretion helps the body to maintain its homeostasis. Ammonia, uric acid and urea are those nitrogen compounds which should be excreted to avoid any hazard to the body. These materials can cause severe damage to our body. Whenever the level of these compounds increase in our blood stream, brain alter the kidney to excrete these materials. Kidney starts its function to take out all these waste products to maintain homeostasis. Carbon dioxide is also a hazard for our body, and it is transported to lungs through plasma of blood where it is expelled out of the body in the forms of vapors.

3. The endocrine system influences almost every cell and organ. This system is composed of some glands which release chemicals to control several body functions. Functions include cell growth, mood, sexual functions and metabolism.

Thyroid is one the most important gland of the endocrine system. It is responsible for secreting hormones that control the speed at which the body cells use fuel for energy. Thyroid gland produces three hormones, Triiodothyronine, thyroxine and calcitonin. These hormones play a significant role in cellular metabolism and energy production. T3 and T4, both act on nearly every cell ...
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