Hcg (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) Diet On Weight Loss

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HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) Diet on Weight Loss

HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) Diet on Weight Loss


The first article is on “Canucks anthem singer Mark Donnelly loses 172 pounds on HCG diet” written by Carman, T. (2012). It is available over the Vancouver Sun website. This article by Tara Carman in Calgary Herald was originally published in the Vancouver Sun. Tara Carman is a reporter at The Vancouver Sun and she reports about Mark Donnelly- Vancouver Canucks anthem singer, who dramatically lost his weight with the use of HCG diet. Carman has provided an unbiased and a neutral reportage to the readers. Nor does she warn, neither she persuades to take on this diet. She communicates both the standpoints regarding the HCG diet. This article discusses both the perspectives regarding the HCG diet; i.e., it burns weight more quickly than Atkins, Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, and the grapefruit diet; however, it is very harmful to an individual's health. The strength of this article is that it provides a neutral reportage regarding the HCG diet but the weakness of this article is that it provides an apparent benefit of HCG (loss of 172 pounds by Mark Donnelly in few months, evident with photos too) so anyone who is conscious for his/her weight might start following this diet, overlooking the detrimental impact of this diet as author has not specifically addressed the negativities of this diet.

The second article is based on “Side Effects of HCG Diet Shots”. It is available on HDI Health and can be retrieved at http://hcgdietinfo.com/HCG-Diet-Shots-Side-Effects.htm. This article grabs my attention instantaneously as it was posted on HDC website, so I was curious to find out whether any negative side effects of HCG Diet were provided in the article. However, the article only discusses the positive impacts of HCG diet. The author of article is unknown, and the article is published by the company so its integrity is itself doubtful. Furthermore, the article does not portray the science behind the HCG diet accurately.

The third article is based on “Does the HCG diet work — and is it safe?”. It is written by Nelson, J. K. (2011). It is available at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. Jennifer Nelson discusses the HCG diet in her expert review whether it is safe and effective or not. Nelson is a registered dietitian and, since 1978, she has been with Mayo Clinic. She is also clinical dietetics' director and an associate professor at College of Medicine, Mayo Clinic. That's why, her views on HCG diet can be regarded as credible and reliable. She mentions in her review that consumers have been advised by Food and Drug Administration to keep away from weight-loss products containing HCG. She indicates that following such a low-calorie diet like HCG, there are many associated risks, for example, irregular heartbeat, gallstone formation, and electrolytes' imbalance. Nelson does not only warn to steer clear from HCG diet, but she also provides suggestions for safer ways to lose weight, like ...