Harvard Referencing

Read Complete Research Material


Harvard Referencing

Harvard Referencing

This exercise is the last chance for you to test your understanding of how to reference different types of materials in Harvard style here at the University of Liverpool. Look at the possible answers below and decide which is the correct format for each reference below.

1. Book

Online learning paradigms in the 21st century. London: Houghton Mifflin Publishers. Marsh, C. J. 2008.

Marsh, C.J. (2008) Online learning paradigms in the 21st century. London: Houghton Mifflin Publishers.

Online learning paradigms in the 21st century. Marsh, C. J. 2008.

Marsh, C. J. Online learning paradigms in the 21st century. London: 2008.

None of the above: Write your own reference in correct format

2. Chapter in an edited book

Green, S. (2007) 'Dancing the Tango in tropical settings'. In: Wilcox, R. & Francis, D. (ed). Exotic musical interludes of the European Union. London: Cambridge University Press, pp.385-92.

Wilcox, R. & Francis, D. eds. Exotic musical interludes of the European Union. Dancing the Tango in tropical settings. Green, S. 2007, pp. 385-392. London: Cambridge University Press.

Green, S. 1980. Dancing the Tango in tropical settings, pp. 385-92. In: Wilcox, R. and Francis, D. eds. Exotic musical interludes of the European Union. London: Cambridge University Press.

Wilcox, R. and Francis, D. eds. Exotic musical interludes of the European Union. London: Cambridge University Press, pp. 385-92.

None of the above: Write your own reference in correct format

3. Journal article

Journal of Natural Historical Settings, 2007, pp. 142-157: Stalking the wild animals on the north shore of Alaska and Canada. Unruh, J.M. and Thomas, D.W.

Unruh, J.M. and Thomas, D.W. Stalking the wild animals on the north shore of Alaska and Canada. Journal of Natural Historical Settings 84(2).

Stalking the wild animals on the north shore of Alaska and Canada. Unruh, J.M. and Thomas, ...
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