Haematology Case Study Assignment

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Haematology Case Study Assignment

Haematology Case Study Assignment

Answer 1

This case is about a woman who 57 year old, she went to her General Physician with a history that she has been going through severe weakness along with back pain and weight loss issues. While she was examined it was observed that she appeared pale and there were no symptoms of haematology. When her radiography was completed it was observed that numerous injuries of head, back bone that is spinal cord, pelvis and femurs were there. Haematology is basically, concerned with the investigation of blood, the blood structuring organs, and blood diseases. Hematology incorporates the investigation of etiology, judgment, medication, prediction, and anticipation of blood sicknesses. The laboratory work that goes into the investigation of blood is often times performed by a therapeutic technologist. Hematologist's physicians likewise extremely frequently do further study in oncology the medicinal medicine of tumor. All the blood diseases influence the handling of blood and its segments, for example platelets, hemoglobin, blood proteins, the instrument of coagulation, and so on (Manoharan & Sethuraman, 2003).

After seeing the patient's results taken by her GP it shows that, various tests were take in which the first test RBC, resulted 2.82 along with the range lying between 3.8 - 5.8, HGB the hemoglobin test result of the patient was 7.6 only however; the actual range lies between 11.5 - 16.5 this shows that the HBG of the patient was too low which resulted in weakness and the reason behind her pale factor. Another test, HCT was conducted which resulted in 0.239 having a reference range of 0.37 - 0.47, MCV of the patient was 84 fL, and the reference range of the same is 80 - 96 fL. MCH, MCHC, RDW, PLT and WBC tests were also taken which resulted in 26.9 pg, 31.8 g/dL, 16.8, 423, 8.4 and having the reference range of 27 - 32 pg, 32 - 36 g/dL, 12 - 16, 150 - 400, and 4 - 11 respectively.

According to my assessment the patient should have gone through only a Hemoglobin electrophoresis or sodium metabisulfite test because of her less HBG as compared to the reference range which is also one of the reasons behind her weakness and back pain. The patient has pneumonia, which causes hypoxia. This contributes to the RBCs. Since the patient is going through severe back pain which is increasing, she is actually experiencing a vaso-occlusive catastrophe as a result of RBCs in the microvasculature. The decrease in the patient's hemoglobin gives rise to the occurrence of sickle cells. It is also observed that the bone marrow compensates for the anemia which includes the loss of hemoglobin from the blood accelerating to slow down organ oxygenation and the patient will eventually get anemic which resulted when she was examined, she turned pale. Talking about the infection in the patient's body, an increase in Neutrophils is mainly due to the infection. After all these tests conducted the patient was asked to take certain treatments ...