Gun Usage/ Gun Shot

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Gun usage/ gun shot


What will be the reaction of a person if he was in a restaurant and suddenly a man with deadly weapons start slaughtering people including your own family? Each person there would be thinking that if this use of weapon banned, this situation would never occur in the public place. No, nobody will be thinking this rather each person would probably be thinking that if I had this gun, I would have protected myself as well as my family along with other people that has been injured. This situation experienced by Suzanna Gratia which was narrated by Elizabeth Swasey - NRA Woman's Voice 174. In this argumentation essay we will be focusing on whether people should be allowed to use gun or whether they should be banned. In order words, a debate on the usage of gun in United States.


People has always perceive a gun as an object through which only dead, destruction can be occur and not for which they have been invented.

In United States, gun control is the major theme. The main topics are related to the right for carrying a concealed weapon, or they shall be permit to keep such weapons in their home for their safety. Beside this, the other concern that arises here is that ban for the usage of gun by the government, either this will be a good or bad impact on the citizens by law. Moreover, either they shall be permit to use gun only if they have license or they know how to handle these armaments. In states such as North Carolina, Missouri and Texas has requested their legislatures to allow their citizen to carry such weapons in order to protect themselves and to defend against the violent criminal attack (Swasey, 1992, p. n.d)

Today, Guns has been a major part of American life. So many people are under this perception that guns are the only cause for this evil and immorality in the country. Just think about this, a lady that being rape, who will save that lady; probably a person that has a gun or similar weapon with him. Forget this, what about a person that has entered in your home and thieving you for money or other things? only a person that has gun and not with the evil intention to harm any person for evil purpose. Here, we can say that people that have ...
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