Gun Control Debate: Focusing On The Benefits Of Gun Control To The Citizens

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Gun Control Debate: Focusing On the Benefits of Gun Control to the Citizens


Obama has re-started the fight for stricter gun control after the Newtown massacres, which befall U.S. in late 2012. The unfortunate event has yet again gripped the country with the ever persistent 'bowling for columbine' syndrome. More weapons advocates in the U.S. Senate now want a more restrictive gun laws. President Barack Obama argued that the country cannot accept this anymore. The President's passionate memorial speech after the tragedy in Newtown, which left 20 children and six teachers killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. The violent act was carried by the perpetrator, Adam Lanza, who lives with his mother (MacAskill, 2012).

This is the second most fatal school shooting in U.S. history, after the Virginia Tech massacre. At Sandy Hook, however, the victims were much younger than was the case at the University of Virginia. Such calamities aforementioned, breeds' weapons debate in the United States, where the second Amendment gives Americans the right to bear arms. Civilians and public officers carry on their demonstrations outside the headquarters of National Rifle Association (NRA); vocalizing and rationalizing the gun control debate. However, non-bipartisanship in Congress and Senate and the clout and influence of NRA lobbying has been effective in disestablishing any civilian and public gun control related hopes and wishes. No gun control policy is in sight. Arguably, more than anyone else NRA is responsible for over 12,000 people deaths each year. These citizens are killed by guns, says another report on Guardian (MacCarthy, 2012).


Boston Massacre, New Town Shootings, Virginia Tech incident, bowling for Columbine atrocity, Dark Knight Theatre shootings in Colorado are all the result of one cause; lack of gun control in the U.S. The President is right to say, “We do not do enough to protect our children” (MacAskill, 2012). Many gathered at the memorial ceremony in Newtown Sunday night there too President Barack Obama attended and addressed the mourning party.

Several famous weapon followers have now changed stance on gun control. They have also realized that the current state of gun control is not acceptable. Think of a family, a dad who has three daughters and they ask about guns and what he intends to do with this, would he kill?

These are questions that reveal the unfortunate psyche of this generation. They cannot get through the fact that how we can have something surviving out in open that can take lives. Not only this, but its promoted like anything in U.S. NRA is one of the most influential lobbies in the country, forcing their clout and financial resources, to let the gun debate be.

However, it must be possible to achieve reasonable restrictions, especially when it comes to automatic weapons, said Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia to the Washington Post (MacCarthy, 2012). Democrats have previously received top marks from the NRA for their liberal weapon commitments. Similar statements have come from the party traps Harry Reid and Joe Manchin, who has also been strong supporters of ...
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