Group And Public Communication

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Group and Public Communication

Group and Public Communication


In this essay, I have chosen the President Obama's Memorial Day speech at Arlington National Cemetery. It will include the analysis of the speech based on the communication theories of Aristotle, Fisher and Burke's. President Obama marked Memorial Day by placing circlet at the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery near Washington.


Aristotle Communication Theory

Aristotle proposed the model of communication before 300 B.C. He found the importance regarding the role of the audience in the communication chain in his communication model. The model of Aristotle is focused on public speaking rather than interpersonal communication. Plato was a student of Aristotle who disagreed with his mentor over the place of public speaking in Athenian life. In Obama's speech, he said that he fears that men and women belonging to military are fading from the public consciousness. Aristotle, in his communication theory view rhetoric as a neutral tool which accomplish either noble or fraudulent ends. In this speech, President Obama presented the truth as inherently more acceptable through appearing before a hushed crowd at the venerable cemetery.

Obama stored with uniformed military officers to the side of the Tomb while placing the wreath. In terms of speech situations defined by Aristotle, President Obama focused on forensic speaking in his speech which showed guilt and innocence regarding Americans who had sacrificed their lives for their country. President Obama in his deliberative speaking considered about the future policy regarding war in Afghanistan stating “In the next year, we will mark the final Memorial Day of our war in Afghanistan.” President Obama in his speech also considered epideictic speaking by giving a special salute to the Americans who fought for America in the Korean War. President Obama's speech persuaded the audience through ethical proof that Americans viewed the character of ...
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