Greek Mythology

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Greek Mythology

Greek Mythology

An etiological myth- Why chameleon changes color

Chameleon was once a green colored retile that lived in the family of crocodiles and snakes. He was sharp minded and had golden green color. Everyone liked him because of his sharpness and intelligence. There were some insects that used to dislike the fact that the chameleon is regarded as the most favorite animal in his family. Some of the family members and cousins including the big crocodiles and snakes were also jealous of chameleon and they made a plan to destroy the beautiful golden green color of chameleon. They discussed it one day and looked upon several ideas. One of the ideas given by a black snake was that they will call upon the chameleon in a party and then they will mix a color magic dye into his drink.

When the chameleon will drink it then all his golden green color will become faded and unattractive. The next day, the jealous snakes and crocodiles arranged a party and invited the chameleon into that party. The chameleon looked happy and cheerful. The other animals and insects who loved him started praising him for his beautiful golden green color. One of the enemy snakes came in front of chameleon and pretends that he also likes him. He also started praising him of his color and skin. Meanwhile, a crocodile exploited the opportunity and pour the magic color dye into the drink of chameleon. The chameleon drank his glass and enjoyed the party. After sometime, he started feeling bad. He went early to his home where he saw that his skin color is changing.

The next morning, he woke up and found out that his skin color has changed from golden green to blue due to the color of the bed sheet on which he slept. After that he went to the bathroom and his color changed from blue to brown. This happened again and again. Wherever he went his color changed from one into another. The snakes and crocodiles were also surprised because they wanted to destroy the beauty of his color and skin but the new different colors made him even more attractive and beautiful and he became popular in his family and outside his family. After it, the sons and daughters of the chameleon born were also affected by the changing color ability. In this way, the chameleon changes its color (Littleton, 2005).

Why Cronus castrated Uranus

Uranus was the father of Cronus. Cronus was the youngest among all the titans. Before the power of Cronus, his father hold all the powers and look down at him and other offspring as they do not have any power over anything. For this reason, Uranus used to hide his children from the Tartarus or earth bowels. The Greek mythology has explained the event that the Cronus wanted to pick all the powers of his father and wanted to become the god of the mankind. Therefore, the Cronus one day castrated his father ...
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