Grammar Plan For Grade 9-12

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Grammar Plan for Grade 9-12

Grammar Plan for Grade 9-12

Skills: Grammar Skills

Topic: Manipulating Sentences to Reinforce Grammar Skills

Level: Advanced

Total Time: 2 Hours


Overview of the Lesson

This grammar lesson plan involves manipulation of sentences by students from the book 'The Island Keeper' in order to learn grammar in context and review rules of grammar. This lesson will help students to learn how they can modify the meaning of a sentence by using different antonyms and improves the sentence meaning by using synonyms. It will also include the examination of prepositions, adjectives, adverbs, and other parts of speech. It involves the assumption that students already have the basic knowledge of nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, and other sentences elements.

Objectives of the Lesson

This lesson is prepared by keeping in mind three primary student objectives given below:

The student will be able to classify the parts of speech within a sentence

Discuss the sentence meaning on the basis of a framework

Understand the influence of the word selection on the mood as well as the sentence meaning

And strengthen their knowledge of thesaurus as well as dictionary uses

Instructions & Activities Involved in Lesson

Conduct a brief overview of parts of speech in order to prepare the students for this grammar lesson plan. Students will be asked to describe each of the main parts of speech in a class on the blackboard.

Students will be informed that there are more than one way to learn grammar, i.e. they can learn grammar in isolation through sentence diagramming or sentence copying from a book, 'The Island Keeper'. Students will keep changing the different parts of a sentence, all through the lesson, ending in an absolute rewrite of a sentence.

Two copies of 'Manipulating Sentences' handouts (attached in appendix) will be given to each student in the class. Students will be asked to read allowed the passage that is provided to them from 'The Island Keeper' by Harry Mazer, and then they will be required to discuss their impressions of first few characters that are introduced in the passage.

As a class, students will be asked to select one sentence from the given passage that they would like to manipulate, and write that sentence on their handouts.

Then students will have to segregate the parts of speech given in the sentence they chose by stating down the verbs, nouns, adverbs, and adjectives. In case students will require any help to categories the words, ...