Grammar Is Obsolete

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Grammar Is Obsolete

99.9% of Proper Grammar Is Obsolete


Grammar serves an important role in any language, but in the present age when things and languages have transformed fast, Grammar is usually ignored by the many young professionals. To the extent where English grammar is concerned, it is essential to understand the many basic changes people have made to it according to their own desires. In this global age, where internet has become the one of the basic necessities of life, English being the International language for communication, has gone through several modifications.

Although these modifications have become a routine for almost all the youngsters, but the conventional language skills are still followed in businesses and by those who follow the traditional language rules. This conventional practice has been subjected to arguments in an article which appeared on an online digital web magazine. The aim of this paper is to discuss the claims made by the author in the article subjected, 99.9% of proper Grammar is obsolete (Wertheimer, D. 2002).


Although, the usage of proper grammar in organizational documents is considered essential in business drafts and is regarded as a priority but for some of the modern thinkers it is an out dated fashion. As discussed in the article the author has made some claims defending the point of view (Wertheimer, D. 2002). The article argues that the conventional practice of adequate grammar usage in statements and drafts, is an old fashioned approach which is adopted not only in the business circles, but also used on the Internet messages that aim to address the modern civilizations (Wertheimer, D. 2002). The attribute is given to the traditional school teaching methods, which emphasize on the proper usage of vocabulary and grammar. A similar claim has been made4 about the publications which still follow the ...
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