Government Reform To Serve The Citizens

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Government Reform to Serve the Citizens

Government Reform to Serve the Citizens


The Obama administration had as its greatest challenge facing the effects of the global economic crisis. Voters who supported Obama had great expectation with respect to practical policies of Democratic President, whose party has a history of promoting interventionist policies on the economy and welfare in the form of social projects. This policy was designed by the Democratic Party during the 1929 economic crisis. During the Great Depression, a 'New Deal' was released in 1933 by Franklin Theodore Roosevelt, which was a set of policies implemented to mitigate the economic and social effects of the crisis, ushering in a mode that was present in all subsequent democratic governments: strengthening the role of State.

The focus of short term plans has overshadowed the interest of the government in the long term. The budget process being used by the government is outdated and doesn't address the key issues of individuals, families, businesses, and immediate communities. The public trust has been broken.

Thesis statement

What kind of steps government should take to balance budget and initiate development programs in accordance with the expectations of its citizens.Discussion

In free-market systems, regulation is, in theory at least, one form of correcting market failures that undermine efficiency in resource allocation, allowing reaching a higher level of social welfare. According to an estimate, the government collects $2.7 trillion annually through tax revenue, which is approximately $ 7.4 billion every day. The expenditure of the government is over an excess of $3 trillion per year, which is $8.2 billion each day. This is because there has been no accountability or audit in the programs initiated by the government. To prove this, we present some examples below:

The recent audits conduct show that 22% of programs initiated by the State are ineffective and incapable of carrying their purposes.

There are 89 programs, which merely provide education and care to children who are just below the age 9.

44 separate programs are being administered by different agencies for job training.

With so many ineffective federal programs, who are just a mere presence in the name of social cause, have dented the economy, and thus people of America has lost their confidence in the government.

Medical Care

The health system of the United States is the result of policies implemented in 1965 by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson, who took over after the death of John F. Kennedy. Actually, it was Kennedy who tried to change legislation to foster a health insurance plan for the elderly, but their initiative did not find success with Congress.

In 1993, another Democrat, Bill Clinton, presented a comprehensive proposal to update the laws in question, with a greater state control would reduce the freedom of action of private companies. His ideas clashed with opposition and lobbying by insurers, were not seen by Republicans and divided opinions among Democrats, resulting in one of the biggest political defeats of the Clinton administration. Stranger to controversy, Obama resumed the debate early in his tenure with a bold proposal: ...
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